Hi I just want to say that I found out I was pregnant with my IUD Sunday. I automatically went to see my ob/gyn on Monday and found out I am 15 weeks pregnant!!! Tuesday they decided to admit me to the hospital and try to take the IUD out. The doctor took it out in 5 minutes (they gave me several ultrasounds and located it first). I had no bleeding behind it and I stayed there overnight in case I misscarried. They gave me a 50% chance that I could. There was 2 inches between the IUD and the amniotic sac so I have been lucky. So far Im home and have not experience any bleeding at all. The baby looks good. I hope things stay the way they are. I wish the best for all of y'all who are going through this.
I did go through a miscarriage......3 weeks ago
| Amy - August 18 |
Sandy, I am sorry to hear about your misfortune. But please do not come in here and tell me or anyone else how to feel. I consider your comment very RUDE!
I third that .. I know how emotional it is to have a miscarriage but no one in this boards is at fault for that.. They are going through the same situation thats what this board is for.. Thats why I still post I want to help not try to make them feel like they did something to make my pregnancy go wrong because thats what you seem to be saying its like your jealous.. No one here asked to have problems or get pregnant..
| Eva - August 18 |
So, Holly, you had the b___st tingling throughout the whole time you had your IUD? Anybody else experience weird stuff like that?
I had that feeling but didnt think I was pregnant .. I mean I thought I was pregnant but just wasnt wanting to confront that lol.. Also I had the feeling of b___terflies in my stomach.
Hi everyone. I'm 32 and from England. I am now on my second Mirena, the latter was put in in October last year. I have recently been feeling paranoid that I might be pregnant but keep telling myself its impossible. I don't have periods with the Mirena so I cant go on that, but I have had some brown spotting and thicker discharge for a while now, I'm tired, my tummy just feels weird, my b___sts ache for a while then stop so it could just be hormonal...I have already got two boys aged 7 and 9 but split up with their dad 3 years ago. I have recently just split up with my boyfirend of 1.5 years so if I do turn out to be pregnant I'll be in a right mess. He has one child already but is not that great a dad. That worries me but also I am not even half way through college. My god, this could be real couldn't it? I'll have to get a HPT tomorrow. I'll let you know the results.
Is there anyone out there who was on Depo before they had their IUD put in? I was on depo for about 9 years and then switched to Paragard in May. I was told that I wouldn't get my period for at least a year, but I have been having constant spotting and bleeding since I had the Paragard inserted. The past 2 weeks I have been extremely moody and after looking at a few websites, I realize that I have a few signs of pregnancy... Is this possible? After reading all of your comments I am concerned, but don't know how concerned I should be, since I only got off Depo about 5 months ago.... On a different note, my thoughts are with all of you who actually are going through this....
With the IUD you have side efects which can be pregnancy symptoms but it is always best to see your doctor even though the pg test is negative..
OMG what a site to come across. I am a vet busy mommy of 3 and this is my story, i have had my Mirena IUD for almost 3 years now and i have loved it until now. About 6 months ago, I was cramping pretty bad, and I pa__sed something that looked like a large lima bean, it was very fleshy, almost see thru, and it was kinda veiny. Well I called my OB and he said it was nothing as long as i could still feel my strings and I wasent bleeding. I just dont know. Well now for the last little bit I swear i feel something moving in side me.I guess I'm just crazy, I'm going to take a hpt, but really now, you know I'd have to be pretty far along to feel it move right?I think I'm going crazy, Gees I hope i'm not prego. and I'm soo very sorry for the babies lost due do this thing. I think that every child is a blessing from god, And a loss is a loss wither its 2weeks or 8weeks or how ever far along you are.
Hi everyone I am 25 years old with a 9 month old baby boy. I had the IUD implanted at my 6 week check-up in December 2004. I got a routine blood test before some minor surgery to my surprise my pregnancy test is positive. It sounds like a lot of people had their IUDs implanted in 2004. How can this 99.9% be true? I didn't really want to have another baby this soon. My husband and I will deal with it but we are both very scared of complications with the baby. I will see my OB/GYN about it on Monday . . . good look to everyone who is going through this!!!
Well I hope everything is ok with you girls I know how stressful it is. Get to the doctor as soon as possible.. Tracy I would defintley go.. The sooner you find out the better....
In response to Tracys post, I have felt like there is something moving inside me too. A bit like the b___terfly flutters you get before the baby gets too big. I have other symptoms too, the last few days I have had a metallic taste in my mouth, my stomach is crampy. However, i did a HPT a couple of days ago and it said it was negative. Although reading other peoples posts it seems they have had negative results and still been pregnant! Its really worrying isnt it? Im gonna leave it another week and then do another test. I keep telling myself I'm not pregnant and that I cant be, but after reading all of this stuff it does make you wonder :o/
I had that feeling to and I know it all to well. I ended up pregnant so your instincts are what you should go with and make your wat to the doctor.. The doctor can do a examanation over the phone.. So really he should have told any of you to come in and get checked out.
Sorry cant type I meant he cant do an examanation over the phone.. lol
Well I took a HPT and it was neg. So that makes me feel a lil better. When I talk to my dr. about it he makes me feel like i'm a idiot, and I really really have always loved my ob, His response is always, "do you feel your strings" and sometimes i do, although my string are cut very short, everytime i go to feel for them and i cant feel them i kinda freak out a lil bit in my mind. LOL. I have never had a real period the whole time I've had my IUD, (I really havent missed it)LOL. some months I barely spot, but just enough for me to notice when I wipe. And then sometimes I dont even do that. I Will def, be praying for you gals that are going through a rough time now. just hang in there and keep you chin up!!:)