someone please give me advice! i found out i was pregnant on sept 09 then i had a dr. appt on the 20th where she said i was 9 weeks on oct 3rd i had some light brown on the toilet paper when i wiped wich progresed to light pink then red i had abdominal cramps the next day wich seemed to come like every 5 minutes for then next two days then slowley stopped. then the bleeding proceded until about oct 12th 0r 13th from there only brownish staining on toilet paper and some on pad (i think i had like 1 peice of what seemed like a bloodclot maybe the size of a quarter oct 8 , around oct 10 no cramping) . i went to the hopsital on oct 4 and dr. said i was only 5 weeks my hcg levels have gone like this oct 4- 1500, oct 7-1700 0ct10-1460,oct14-1680 some one please help thank you! oh yea and i have had one pregnancy wich ended at 6weeks on jan 18 2006
The wife and I have been trying for months and well back on oct 6(her birthday) was he per due date and it didnt come being ready for that 2 blue lines we took a test and it came out pos so so so happy we go to the DR on 10/16 and the dr did a ultrasound talked to us like it was the end of the world not blip of a heatbeat or whatever sorry looks like your pregancy stalled at about 5 to 6 weeks on the way out holding her in tears I run back up and pick up the wheel that charts how far along turns out she was right at 5w 5d(lp) or so... I got so irked grabbed her file off the desk showed another dr the ultra asked what it showed him and he said a sac or whatever close to 6 weeks told him her LP date and he said everything looks fine he didnt know what she(the other dr) was talking about he told us he will take care of us from now on.... to be safe he ordered another HCG for 2 days later and a another ultra in 2 weeks)....she called today to get the results and the nurse said it went up but not double (1st off it was only about 39 hours between the test cause one was night and one was morning) but still really scared I am going to call tommorw and get the numbers so i can see how much it went up please pray for us that the 1st dr was wrong(as the 2nd one thought) and the numbers are okay.......also should i ask for a 3rd test next week sometime thanks scott
swtguy all my prays are with you and your wife my girlfriend had bhcg test every 48 hour her test never doubled though and unfaughtunatly we lost our baby at 81/2 weeks we hope evrything goes well keep us informed
good luck
Hi, I just found this site and I have some questions that I would really appreciate any help with. According to my LMP, Sept. 5, 2006, I should be about 6.5 weeks pregnant. I started bleeding last Sunday (bright red blood), which gradually got worse over the course of the week. *I have to wear a pad. I have noticed a little clotting and I think a small amount of tissue. I called the doc office on Tuesday and they ordered the HCG beta testing. On Tuesday, my level was a 370 and the repeat test on Thursday only showed it to be a 534. When I called the doc office yesterday, they just said to wait and have another HCG test on Monday to check my levels. **I am going crazy not knowing what is going on. Has anyone else experienced something similar? Thanks! Jen
Jen-I am in the very same situation, and all I am doing is waiting it out and it SUCKS!! I feel like I just want some straight answers, and nobody can give them to me for sure. My levels went from 600something, two days later to 800something...and today they are in the 1200s. My doctor originally had me schedueled for a dnc on monday, but then called it off...this baby could be in my tube, she really doesn't know where it is. So i have to be with someone at all times for the next few days in case it is in my tube and it ruptures..(had this already happen in the other tube about 6 years ago) there is a chance that it is still a viable preg...my dr. doesn't want to give me that shot (mitro-something...it removes fetus, less intrusive than a dnc) in case this is still a good pregnancy. I am driving myself and my poor husband crazy! It's just a waiting game....keep your hopes up. your not the only one feeling this way. i can sympathize!!!
By the way jenn-
I just re-read what you wrote...we have nearly exactly the same dates....my lmp was 9/6...went for my 1st hcg last tues,(600somehting) and an u/s where they couldn't see anything (could still be early)...thurs had my next hcg (800somthing) and today (sat) had another...1200. I guess the numbers are supposto double to be a healthy prenancy...or at least rise 65%. it doesn't look like that is what mine are doing...your doctor hasn't given you this information? are you high risk? (i am b/c of a prior tubular) i go for another hcg on monday...that is if this doesn't rupture first (pray that it dosent'!)
Wow, that is pretty amazing that we are so close with same symptoms. Are you having cramping and bleeding as well? My doc told me that the numbers should be doubling and that they are very low since I should be around 6.5 weeks. However, that is about all they have told me. I had placenta previa with my daughter (who is almost 6 years old now) but don't think I am considered high risk. You will definitely be in my thoughts and I hope all goes well for you. *Would love to stay in touch and check on one another if you are interested? Thanks! Jen
I would love to stay in touch! It's so nice to hear someone in the same situation, great for support!...so far i've had no bleeding/cramping. although, since all this started i am VERY AWARE of my lower belly, no pain tho. i think it is all in my head. well, nothing has ruptured as of yet!! have you ever heard of anyone having a happy ending with a story like ours? i came to this forum looking for that answer...it seems that all that have written have not followed up. how are you feeling? let me know your numbers on monday . your in my thoughts as well. take care! -Jill
I just want to add something as we are still waiting on more info.......I been reading on other sites as well many storys like these and many storys of during ultrasounds early and scaring the hell out of people sure let them know there may be a problem but it is so early on we have to wait and see my wife looked at me and said "how she is freaking and stressing me out if everything was fine she would end up causing me a d__n MC" my heart goes out to anyone playing this same waiting and hoping game we are......keep your head up and dont worry to hard(i know it is easy to say that but that is what i keep telling anna) We want this baby more then anything there was a time when we were trying to conc a few months ago she was a week late and her body started acting like it was preg(though she never had pos test) so that shows me that if you get into your head that OMG the Dr. said something is wrong it can almost make something wrong. AS HARD AS IT IS WHILE WE PLAY THIS WAIT AND WORRY GAME TRY NOT TO (= best wishes all for now
hi Jill. I hope you are feeling okay and glad to hear that you haven't had any rupturing as of yet. :) I am not feeling too bad; though the bleeding and cramping for me is usually worse during the day than at night. I started bleeding last Sunday (almost a week ago) and my HCG numbers are super low. :( Hopefully yours goes better than mine seems to be. Please feel free to email me anytime... simply_jennifer@hotmail.com. I will definitely re-post on Monday to let you know what my levels are at that time. Good luck!!! Hang in there. Jen
Well, I came to this great site looking for the answer to "Has anyone had a happy ending with slow rising hcg levels?" I noticed nobody followed up with their story. I'll follow up with mine, and hopefully it may possibly help someone. Unfortunately, I do not have a happy ending. From what I've read when your numbers do this, "the outlook is grim" I am so sorry for anyone going through this. I had the methotrexate shot yesturday, and although I feel physically fine, it's my emotions nobody warned me about! If anyone has had a happy ending...please post it. It may give someone else some hope!
got the numbers today on the 16th it was 3349 and then the 18th it was 4130 going it tom for another hope it went up lots and lots (today marks 7 weeks) outside the BS from the drs no other bad signs (= scott
| JAC - October 28 |
So the same thing as GREG & Shannon is happening to us right now. I have been having a brown discharge and i had my blood drawn 3 times in the past week, my hcg level is rising but not as high as they would like. Today it was 2,600 and Dr. said it should be 3,200 which is average. She hasn't said that I need a dnc but I can tell that she thinks I might have a miscarriage. My ultrasound is not until Monday morning. What kind of news do you all think I will get on Monday?? Also, I am having no pain what so ever, and the brownish discharge seems to be lighting up. (never heavy in the first place though) Any comments would be appreciated!!!
JAC- Everyone is so different, it's hard to predict what kind of answer you'll get on Monday. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully you'll see something on the u/s. Good luck, please post your outcome!!
Hi guys. I am in the same situation and its comforting to know I'm not alone or in the twilight zone. My last menstrual cycle was 9/17 and I went to the doctor on Friday 10/27 b/c of brown bleeding mixed occasionally with red blood. The doctor said it looked like I was having a mc and gave me a rogam shot just in case and a blood test for hcg. During the visit they did an ultrasound but saw no sac nor one f. tube and ovary due to gas. This made me nervous b/c a friend just lost a f. tube after two ectopic pregnancies. On Monday, my hcg level was 176 and I had to get another blood test for comparison along with a progesterone prescription to start immediately. Today I found out my hcg went up to 313 and but I need to go back on Thursday for another blood test. I cried all weekend thinking I've had a mc but now they say it looks like I'm two weeks pregnant. Sadly, that can't be the case b/c my husband and I decided on October 8th to postpone trying again until January and started using condoms. So now, I guess I have low levels and no clue what to do but to sit and wait. Thank you to everyone who has posted on this site. It helps to know I'm not alone or crazy since I've felt that way for 4 days. Thanks again and please keep updating what happened to give future readers some clue what to expect. I know it has helped me more than you can imagine.
things look good....went for the 8 week u/s and everything looks good saw what the new dr said as a perfect looking heartbeat numbers are high now so sometimes things can work out if its ment to....i am not going to get 100% happy for another 32 weeks but this was the 1st sign of a good light never been so happy