I am positive that it works! 3 years ago I had a misscarriage and we had no idea whey. I got pregnant again (my little one turned 1 in March) and they put me on the supp at night and I checked my levels every week. They then added 3 pills to take during the day. Everything went well. I am pregant again 7 weeks and my levels were low again. They put me on the supp 2 weeks ago and they added the 3 pills per day again today. They just called and my levels went from 15.8 to 28.8 in one week! So, I am a beleiver in it.
| KT - July 12 |
I am currently 6 wks pregnant. 5 days ago my levels were tested and my HCG was 15755 and progesterone 31. Today I was tested and my HCG was 46,471 and my progesterone 23.9. My doctor wants to put me on progesterone supplements to be safe because of the drop. Last year I had a mc (blighted ovum) at 6 wks, but my HCG never got above 7000 and my progesterone never got above 18. From what I have read progesterone levels can normally have quite a bit of fluctuation and I am still in the range of what should be considered a good level. Has anyone else been given supplements with a similar level? I'm a little concerned about using unneccessary supplements. What do you think?
Well, I will be leaving soon for my u/s to see if its still viable. I will let you know how it went as soon as I get back. Pray for me!! How's everything going with your pregnancy now Babs?
Well, there was a heartbeat at yesterdays ultrasound along with the fetus and sac doubled in size, but today's ultrasound the heartbeat was no longer there. Even had another look with a different machine. So, tomorrow I am scheduled for a D&C. I believe that knowledge is power and now I know more than before. This whole experience has opened my eyes to things I knew nothing about before. The progesterone is the probable cause for this miscarriage, so I know for future tries what my body needs. Just wish I knew about it and took it sooner. Yet, now I know!
I had progesterone problems with my last prgnancy after two mc in a row. I started prochieve 8 % and had a term baby. Now I'm 9wks and had a 4.9 @ 5wks I was put on prochieve again, blood work every week, slowly it was going up , 7.5 @ 8wks but this week it went down to 5.4 !! I've had us they look great, show growth and hb, I'm almost 10 wks. my mw sent me to a " specialist "yesterday but he was NO help he said he didn't agree with the progesterone that low levels don't cause mc !! I feel like I'm losing my mind. Anyone ever have low numbers like this and make it ??
First, Sonya...I too have heard different opinions on progesterone supps. Some doctors I have had have said it makes "absolutely no difference" to be on them...but the doctor I decided to go with is the one who put me on them. I am now in my 15th week and no longer need them. My progesterone is only around 31, but that is still within "normal" range...some women just have really high levels. Next, to Daniella, I am SO SORRY to hear about your loss. Keep trying, knowing that at least you CAN get preggo and, as you said, knowledge is power and you will know next time to seek the supps. right away. I truly wish you the very best!
Hey Sonya, I've come across many doctors that don't believe in progesterone supplements or that they have any causes for miscarriages. Although there are many reasons for miscarriages, progesterone can be a cause. You may have other problems that it could be, but it wont hurt to take progesterone supplements if its low. And your levels are definitely low. My sister saved her son because she supplemented on progesterone once she found out she was pregnant and her level was low. If she didn't supplement she would have lost him. Here is what I had copied from a site on progesterone:
If serial measurements do not show increasing progesterone levels over time, there may be problems with the viability of the placenta and fetus.
Your progesterone level does play a significant role in pregnancy for most. It doesn't hurt to look into it, but it may hurt not to. If you know what I mean. I hope the best for you and make sure you talk to a doctor that is knowledged on progesterone because a lot of them just try to brush it off.
Also, thanks so much Babs. Had my surgery and everything went well.
| d - July 17 |
I too have been involved in this whole progesterone debate. I researched Crinone and was very worried about the warnings that came with it. Many doctors are not simply "brushing it off" there is just NO evidence that taking progesterone "saves" pregnancies. Nothing studied to date has suggested this which is why the medical community is divided on the topic. I found an article from an infertility specialist who wrote: "Unfortunately, many women are led down this wrong path, receive the wrong treatment and ultimately suffer another miscarriage. Their physicians incorrectly decide that low progesterone -- the "pregnancy hormone" of which you speak -- was the culprit and promise that things will go better the next time if only you take enough progesterone. Research shows us that falling or low progesterone levels are a sign of a bad pregnancy and not the cause of pregnancy failure. So first, you did not miscarry because the progesterone level was low. Let's b__w this myth away and try to figure out why you have miscarried. Although only 4 percent of all women will lose two pregnancies in a row, textbooks define recurrent pregnancy loss as three or more losses. Waiting for you to miscarry again before looking for the reason does not seem fair. My evaluation would look for hormonal problems such as diabetes, thyroid, pituitary or ovarian abnormalities. I evaluate the effect that age plays on egg quality. Next, I consider infection, chromosomal abnormalities and structural defects in the uterus. And, finally, I look for immune disturbances that may interfere with normal growth and function of the placenta. This area is rapidly becoming the focus of much research, and physicians disagree on which tests are appropriate and what treatments are best able to treat this condition."
| L - July 18 |
to D...I've noticed over the last few weeks that you always come and post almost the exact same negative post about progesterone supplements. Have you experienced it personally? (not trying to be rude here, just wondering if you have). Because alot of the women that have posted here have had successful pregnancies with progesterone supplements. It's hard to deduce that it doesn't work when a person has had multiple m/c and the only thing different they do to have a successful pregnancy is take progesterone supplements. I guess, my take on it is this. from what I've gathered...progesterone is needed to sustain a pregnancy. If your body is not producing enough, whether there's an issue with the fetus or not, it's not getting the nutrients it needs to sustain viability. I had a m/c in Feb. When I went in for my first appt there were no cysts in either ovary producing progesterone. Would supplements have helped me? Can't say for sure since it wasn't offered. I recently found out that I was pg again and on the advice of 2 friends who have gone thru multiple m/c's was told to ask for both hcg and progesterone level testing. Hcg came back doubling well (unlike the previous time), Progesterone came back at 16.5. Which isn't bad, but isn't great. My dr offered to put me on supplements. Went in for my first appt last week and saw a strong heartbeat and 2 cysts in my ovary which are there to help produce progesterone. I think the key to all of this is to ask questions of your dr. Don't be afraid to ask what's on your mind. With my first pregnancy, I feel fairly confident that progesterone supplements wouldn't have worked. My hcg levels weren't rising and I was showing 2 weeks behind schedule. Chances are that it wasn't a viable pregnancy from the start. This one, levels were doubling well and I had a good starting point with my progesterone level. so asking for a supplement and the dr okaying it seemed like a reasonable thing to do.
d- First, that would be right that a bad pregnancy would cause your progesterone to be low. With that being said, you also could have a bad pregnancy BECAUSE your progesterone was low. Now, I've had everything checked that I could and I don't have any other problems. The fact is that I am a very athletic woman. And my whole life I never had regular periods. I even hardly ever ovulated. I've always had progesterone problems and I got pregnant twice with it being low, which in itself was a miracle. The only thing is I didn't know about the supplements until recently. I know in my heart that if I take the supplements right when I ovulate (as directed), I will have a healthy pregnancy. As long is that is the only reason why I haven't been successful. All I know is my sister had the exact same problem and her level was 11 at 7 weeks pregnant. The supplements saved her childs life. So, it does work and even her doctors admitted it. It doesn't hurt to take it, but may hurt not to.
Also, to -L- Thanks!! you said what I didn't have to. :)
| d - July 18 |
wow, i am not trying to be negative at all. i am just trying to share what i have learned from my experience with this subject. i know that you may be sensitive to this topic, and if you feel that progesterone sups worked for you, then great! however, there is no research to suggest this hence the debate in the medical community. there is no reason to be rude, i did not insult you whatsoever! as for me having to "always come and post almost the exact same negative post about progesterone" i posted it one other time! relax with your attacks! progesterone has not been proven to do anything!!! that is my point and i am trying to help not hurt. jeeeez...
| d - July 18 |
one last thing i forgot to type...isn't the question for this topic: "Does progesterone supplements work?" So, just because I have provided information saying that there is no proof they do, is not me being negative, rather being informed about taking a drug.
| L - July 18 |
To D--I wasn't trying to be rude. Perhaps I have you mixed up with another frequent poster that posts quotes from a specialist. I just seem to recall in several progesterone related questions that type of post. I think we're all looking for advice, and I know that we're not always going to like what others have to say. I'm ok with that. That's EXACTLY why in my post I said that my first pregnancy didn't appear to be viable one, the dr didn't even suggest progesterone to try and sustain it. I don't think it would have worked without the hcg levels doing what they needed to do. But she did suggest this time, and the pregancy, thankfully and prayerfully, seems to be doing much better this time. So yes, the original question back in January was "does progesterone supplements work" but there have been alot more conversations going on since then. I didn't mean to ruffle your feathers, and quite honestly I don't specifically disagree with you. But just because you say there is NO evidence that shows it works doesn't mean there isn't truth to process. I've personally seen it work for several of my friends. Coincidence? Maybe. But if that's the ONLY thing that was changed in their pregnancies after having mulitple m/c's, then I'd venture to say that the progesterone supplement had to have helped abit. I don't think drs see this as the salvation for every person trying to conceive, I agree with you that drs should take the time to see what's going on with your body before just jumping in and a__suming you have progesterone issues, or ovulating issues and put you on medication. I think my main issue with the article that you posted was it had the premise that this was all a myth and all of us were pretty much ignorant about the whole thing for even pursuing it. To post that right after someone posts about their heart wrenching loss seemed a bit harsh. I can't really speak for Danielle, but she wasn't looking for someone to tell her that progesterone was a myth, she was sharing what she's been thru. And if you have been thru it, you'd know that talking about and dealing with a m/c is hard when it's just happened. You need support, not people telling you lines about "this was God's plan" or "supplements are bad." I'd be the first in line to say that supplements may NOT and aren't for everyone. But then again, I'm not a dr...and I don't claim to be. It's my responsibility to educate myself and ask my dr the questions I have and make the choice for myself. In fact, that's what Danielle said too...she suggested talking to a dr that was educated in progesterone...NOT just an open decree for everyone to start using progesterone because it's the end-all and be-all. My intent was not to attack you in my initial post. I just remembered reading that exact quote from an infertility specialist in other forums here. Bottom line...I think we agree on the main point...it's up to each individual to educate themselves and make decisions based on what is in the best interest of them and their bodies. Talk to your drs. Call and ask questions if you're concerned about something. Don't take a simple yes or no answer when it comes to something like this. Get information. I wouldn't just randomly tell people to get on progesterone supplements. I probably would tell them my personal experiences, and then tell them to talk to their drs about it. And if their dr's refuse to talk to them about it, then I'd suggest talking to other drs that will take the time to explain things.
I have to say that when you have gone through 2 mc in a row and then taking progesterone and watching your level go up every week and then giving birth to a healthy baby it is hard for me to believe that it wasn't a viable pregnancy. With this pregnancy I'm now 10 wks I had an us last Fri. the baby measured exactly to the day , andthere was a strong heart - 176 , so how can there be some thing wrong, how can this not be viable ? My pro. is 5.4 but my baby is developing. I do not have any other health issues never have and I'm only 31 years old. I feel all I can do is pray. Doctors are not God , they don't know everything. I'm still doing my progesterone every night and holding on to my us. Idon't care what some doctos say about progesterone being false hope I KNOW it works and I've dealt with plenty of dr that believe it works too. I can tell you where to read several articles about how it does help and is important . When you've been through mc after mc you're willing to try anything.
Well put L. I would just like to add that the comment d wrote, quote on quote, "Does progesterone supplements work? So, just because I have provided information saying that there is no proof they do," Well, I just wanted to add that there actually IS proof it works. Look at all the proof here and everywhere. The FACT is, if your progesterone is low you may lose your pregnancy. This being that there is not another cause for you losing it. So many woman have had multiple mc's and as soon as they found out that in each case it was because their body didn't make enough progesterone and went on supplements, they saved their future pregnancies. Just from that alone. I believe that is proof enough. Yet, only if that is the only reason. If its other problems as well, then that is something (along with progesterone) that you should research on with your doctor.
And yea, L... by finding a doctor that will help you. That's pretty much it. But your body wont be in any harm if you do take progesterone. So, would it really hurt to do so if recommended by your doctor? I see no problems in giving it a chance if your levels are low. My doctor told me that taking progesterone wont hurt because I have a history of it being low pretty much my whole life. Its not just going to go dramatically up when I am pregnant if I'm having trouble producing it. Now, according to the main question as this article started with (with Betty) if your progesterone levels go down, after being high..., then ONCE AGAIN, it will not hurt to take progesterone supplements. If your body is going to have a miscarriage regardless then you know that you did whatever you could.