how long doew it take to recover from a tubal pregnancy?
If your asking "How long does it take to get over it emotionally" well personally I will never be over neither of my lost. I had a Miscarriage last year and a Tubal this year and its real hard and that is something that Me nor my husband will ever be able to forget.
If your asking "How long does it take after you have surgery or a shot til your done with going to the doctor and can start trying again" Well I did not have to have surgery just 2 shots to terminate my tubal pregnancy. I had to go to the doc 2 times a week for 1 1/2 months til my HCG levels went to 0. The first time I went to get a shot my levels dropped but the next time I went to go get my blood drawn the HCG levels had gone back up so that made me and my husband think again. The doctor then explained to us that the reason the HGC levels went up is because of the tissue still growing, that is when I got the second shot. From the time I got my first shot it took about 2-3 months til I was done with going to the Doctor and they tell you that you should wait between 3-6 months before you start trying again. Next month will be the 7th month we are going to start trying again. GOOD LUCK to you.. Keep me posted