Getting Pregnant 20 Yrs After Tubaligation
1 Replies
Question: I am 42 yrs old. I had by tubes tied 5 hours after the birth of my daughter in 1988 through the belly button. I have never had any issues with my periods. I had my period october 18th, it lasted for 5 days, which is normal for me. October 29th, I woke up to what i thought was my periond again. It lasted less than 24hours. It was more like faint spotting. Today is December 3rd, and I have not started my period. I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 6 years, is there a chance I could be pregnant? My tubal surgery was a 3mm piece cut and tied. I was told there was no way i would ever get pregnant. I was 22 when i had it done. today i am 42, what are the chances? Help!
Did you ever find out if you were pregnant?