Am I Pregnant Pg1327362429

1 Replies
chrissy1985 - January 23

My period has always been irregular, but the start of my last period was 12/4/2011. I have yet to receieve my period, but pregnancy tests have come back negative (took one last week, and then again yesterday) The last time I did become pregnant, the first test I took was negative & then a week later I took one that came back positive, but the second line was so faint it was barely there. The only day I have had intercourse since my last period was 1/2/2012- is it just too early to show up on a home pregnancy test, or likely that I am not pregnant?


Grandpa Viv - January 23

If you got pregnant from s_x 1/2 (thankyou, National Holiday!) then 1/21 would have been the latest possible date for a missed period, and also the logical time to start testing. You do not list any early signs, similar in many ways to PMS, but a faint positive is hard to ignore. Test again soon using first morning pee - that hormone is supposed to double every few days. GL!



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