Baby Moving By 14 Weeks

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starburst305 - May 20

Hello mommies and mommies to be! Soo I'm 15 weeks pregnant 1st baby... I m/c first pregnancy on 11/4/11 I was 13 weeks, but they sayd baby had died a couples days to a week before... blablabla test done I had high risk d/s...wen I left them tissue samples of fetus trisomy 18. Soo fast forward to march 6 I find out am about a month pregg. Yay!... so everythings been good so far the baby is always moving on ulstrasound since 10w5d... I was so excited. Then I get a 13 week ultrasound babys movin up a storm of course I'm not feeling yet. Then at almost 14 weeks I feel a movement. That morning I feel it again. I'm convinced its my baby cuz it was so low in my uterus right where the lil bump is. So I've been feeling this movement about once maybe twice a day if I'm lucky and ladies, it doesn't feel like flutters or butterflies. I kno its not gas. Its always like a lot of pressure like my lil baby is moving his whole body not an arm or leg. So every morning anywhere from 5am to 7am I feel him move...or what I think is the baby. But is always da same pressure like streching or poss moving from one side to another. Two days ago I was sleep on my back and my lil bro comes home and I'm like come feel where the baby is and he doesn't feel it then I put my hand and he wasn't chilling dwn really low by my vag he was like higher like 2 inches northeast of my bellybutton... lol (northeast as I lay facing my crotch wud be north, br___t south) I'm like woah what are you doing there.... sorry this was so long but I just wanted u all to have a clue and help me out here because I swear its my baby and my fam all agrees... all women who've been prego at least 2x or more. Thanks so much ladies



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