Date Of Conception

3 Replies
confuseddad - April 4

My wife is pregnant with our third child. She went to the doctor and according to her charts she is 29 weeks, but she is measuring at 31 weeks. Could we have calculated wrong on the charts and the date we thought conception occurred or is this common?


Skyeblue - April 7

Do mean measuring 31 cm fundal height...? If so that is absolutely normal. I measured always about 5 cm (weeks ) behind. It depends on the position of the baby. My dd was born 2.9 kgs, so normal weight.


Shyzen09 - January 17

i have a question if my lmp was oct 1st 2010 nd i found out i was 2 month preg nov. 26; nd my due date was july 8 2011. nd i had a few s_xual partners during oct. wen did i get preg


Grandpa Viv - January 18

You probably ovulated Oct15. In order of probability, s_x Oct 14, 15, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9 would likely be responsible. You could modify those encounters somewhat depending on how much insemination occurred. Hope that helps, and that the best guy won!



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