Did I Conceive Before Or After Hsg

1 Replies
hagger - September 14

Someone please help me, I am so worried. My cycles days are 24 and 26; first day of my last menstrual cycle was 26 July, we were intimate with my bf on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th August. I tested blood for pregnancy on 12th just to rule out the pregnancy since I was due for HSG on 14th, the result was negative. I had s_x on the same day 14th after HSG, my period was due 18th or 20th but I missed it and later discovered I was pregnant. Is it possible that I was pregnant already by the time of HSG even when pregnancy results was negative 8 days after I stopped s_x, or is it possible that I conceived after HSG when my fertile days had passed already? I know I shouldn't have had HSG done while pregnant but my obs/gyn was sure after blood test for HCG. Thanks anyone with an idea


Grandpa Viv - September 14

You likely were in the process of implanting at the time of the HSG, too early for a pregnancy test to show positive. Rejoice, you are pregnant anyway!



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