| bre - August 18 |
my last period was june 30th and i'm 7 weeks
the start of my last period was july 31. I just found out i am pregnant. How far along am i
| KT - September 11 |
i had my last period at the end of july into the beggining of augast. I was suppose to get my period at the end of the month and i took a PT and it said i was pregnant... but how far along am i?
Hey i have a ?? I am seeing a midwife instead of a doctor, and she says i will only have 1 ultrasound at 20 weeks and that will be it. Is this safe? I mean what if something was wrong? Also, any comments about seeing midwives instead of doctors?
I have a friend who she says the doctor predicts she is 28 weeks, but she says she doesn't know when her last period came on. She had with this one guy who thinks there's a chance he might not be the father. If she had with him on April 6, 2005 what would be her due date.
My last period was August 7,05. How far along am I and when will my due date be?
my due date is the 12th of april 2006 i have three children and find it hard to keep track how many months am i ?
Now i don't know how far along you are and you probably need to go to a doctor for that. But do You mean to tell me that as soon as you met this guy you were having s_x. Girl have a little respect and make him wait at least a month. Man!!
| BRE - February 12 |
my last pierod was 1-15-06 can i find out how far i would be
yes it is possible for you to be 3 weeks along
| Ger - February 21 |
I had s_x on the 7, 8 and 9 of December
and got pregant on one of those dates can you tell me my due date