Trying To Figure It Out

2 Replies
Roxanne852 - March 25

Okay my lmp was between sept 28th or oct 1 not sure the exact first day just that it was over by oct 7th. I had unprotected s_x on the 10 th of Oct with guy 1. He pulled out and cam on me, but I'm pretty sure since I kept m____eing I rubbed some in. I was not on my birth control since I ran out. My cycle is normal 28 day cycle. Now guy 2 and I had unprotected s_x on the 23 rd of oct. He pulled out, but we immediately got plan b the next day and continued my birth control. Nov. 3rd I found out I'm indeed pregnant. Just trying to figure out which it'd be. My guess is I was already pregnant before taking plan b. in which case trying to understand when I got pregnant.


Roxanne852 - March 25

My due date started at july 11 and now possibly July 18th. My Dr said she'd do another sonogram to pinpoint my actual due date. That won't be for another two months.


Grandpa Viv - March 26

The early sonogram gives the most accurate estimate of conception. On a normal 28 day cycle sperm from Oct 10th could still have been lying in wait at ovulation time, while sperm from Oct 23 would have arrived after the egg was history. My vote is for guy 1. The only hesitation I have is that a messed up pill schedule may have caused ovualtion at an unexpected time. GL!



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