What Day Did I Get Pregnant 2

5 Replies
shorty123 - July 5

im thinking my lmp was feb 9th 2012 i dont have regullar periods my due date is november 15 2012 im 21 weeks right now wheni first went to dr i was only 5 weeks 6 days when did i come out pregnant please help


Grandpa Viv - July 7

Regular or not, first trimester ultrasound or lmp calc, it all points to ovulation aboout Feb 23, with s_x any time that week possibly responsible. Feb 22 would have been highest fertility. Does that help?


August Leo - July 13

Hi,I am 17weeks and 5 days(July 13) so the doctors say but I an unsure of what day I became pregnant. I am undecided of the day I actually got pregnant. The doctor say my due date is December 13-20.this is my first time bring pregnant so this is new to me. I need a little help,is there anyone that can help?


Grandpa Viv - July 14

August, the way I figure it, the weekend of March 24th is the likely culprit. You would have missed a normal period April 8th and tested positive before April 22nd.


Ntokky - November 15

Had s_x on 1 October with my ex then I used morning after pill then on the 2 october midnight had s_x with my hubby I'm now 8weeks 2days my due date is 26 June 2013.when did I get pregnant my last period was 18 September 2012


Grandpa Viv - November 15

They have to be a week apart to even try to call. If I had to bet on it I would say hubby. Some predicament! This was one of the times PlanB did not work.



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