
197 Replies
ldig - April 8

oh yeah and Im taking 40 mg of the lovenox


ldig - August 18

Hi's been a while - I hope everyone's doing good. I just had a question for you....I'm due 10/15 and my peri said he wants to induce me the week of the 8th. I told him I really don't want to be induced and he was telling me it is taking a risk to let me go natural past my due date. Next time I see him I will ask him more questions about what exactly the risks are, but I just wanted to see if anyone else was told this. I'm not sure if this is because of the hematoma (which is now underneath the the corner of the placenta-not obstructing anything), or if he tells this to most of his HR patients. I really would rather go natural because I know you have a higher risk for C-Sec if you get induced. Thanks! Lynne



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