MTHFR And Other Clotting Disorders New Thread

316 Replies
albertina - June 15

Hello, I'm 37 and I had a stillbirth in 24th week: oligohidramnius and IUGR. Later I was diagnosed for homozygote MTHFR, ANA, anti-Ro antibodies and Sjoegren's syndrome. My GYN prescribed me 5 mg of folic acid per day and baby aspirine as soon as I conceive. I've got different opinions from different doctors (GYN, rheumatologist, blood specialist). Some think that the folic acid and aspirine therapy may be sufficient and some suggest also heparine therapy. (About anti-Ro: the rheumatolgist said that I will have ultrasound examination in 2nd and 3th trimester; but what about the therapy, is there any necessary?) I'd like to know if anybody has similare experience or maybe just some encouraging words. Thanks a lot, Albertina



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