7 Weeks Late Still Negative Hpt S

786 Replies
LadyMohan - November 20

A.C and mandy, as I read your stories I was so inspired! Though not 7 weeks late yet, I am still writing in hopes that someone can help me and let me know I am not alone. I am now 20 DPO and 6 days late.....I am NEVER late and have always been regular, 26-28 days. I called my OB office to see if I should come in for bloodwork, or give it more time. My doctor wasn't in, I got a call back from the nurse practioner. She doesn't know me and didn't know my charting history and didn't seem to care. ALl she asked was what my urine HPT said... she said I was 39 and if I didn't get a BFP after taking four tests, then I didn't ovulate, and I am prob. infertile, and to stop listening to my non-medical friends encouraging me that I will have a healthy pregnancy, b/c in this business she's seen too many people my age and up have the opposite. I know my window of opportunity is closing in, and I did have a miscarriage 2 months ago, but my doctor said most women do at some point, even if they don't realize it, and that thre is NO reasons to suspect I cannot get pregnant again! No reason given my history, to suspect I cannot carry a baby, not yet. She said to give it 6 months before seeing a specialist, but not longer, b/c I am 39. I was devastated that this nurse on the phone considered me infertile and proceeded to give me the names of fertility specialists she recommended and never even asked if I thought I took the HPTs correctly, or how sure am I that I ovulated when I did, etc. Nothing!! And every time I offered information, like high temps and so many pregnancy signs, she had the same answer for me....I am not pregnant and need to accept it but if I insist on having a blood test to give me peace of mind, then fine. Can you believe it? She too said I should know by now, at 5DPO (yesterday I took test and it was negative)....so why bother coming in for a blood test? I was so hurt by that I couldn't stop crying. All my hopes were dashed in that instant. When I called a frined who's had several healthy pregnancies at my age and into her 40s, she said that woman made her so angry, and she should be reported and suspended. I called the doctor's office back asking to have my doctor call me personally when she comes in the next day, that I wanted to hear this diagnosis from MY doctor personally. I tried telling the nurse that I've been charting..I KNOW I ovulated...I KNOW when hubby and I were together and my temps continue to rise, as high as when I was pregnant before. I have nausia (not experienced with last pregnancy), headahces, cramping (light this time, moderate last time to where I needed to use a heating pad often, this time I don't), twinges on either side (also new), famished in AM, so very tired all of the time (before I was always extra energetic, never felt so tired for so many days). I am also congested, constipated some days, frequently urinating some days and very moody and cry way too easily and often. Today I woke up feleing slight nausia again, headache, moody and bloated with congestions and wet CM, as usual. It's either creamy or wet. Temp was a bit lower yesterday but climbing back up again. Temps never have gone above above 98.6F unless pregnant. I've been at 98.8-99.0 most of my Luteal phase so far. I've had most of these symptoms since DPO5-6... My dr said even if I didn't ovulate I'd still get bleeding. AF is NOWHERE in sight. Ladies, I really feel like I'm pregnant, and I resent a medical professional telling me there is something wrong with me when she didn't even examine me. There are too many postings of women who never got BFPs and turned up pregnant many weeks later. She never considered this!!! Why do I read of some women who had first pregnancy show a BFP before or on day of expected period, yet with 2nd or 3rd pregnancy, never to even get a BFP until 12 weeks, 16 weeks or never! And some even turned out to be carrying twins! This would be my dream, as I am a twin and my chances are VERY high. Any encouragement would be so appreciated. I am a strong believer in GOD and have great faith...I know GOD is never late and I would welcome AF so I can try again, so if I get my period this is OK! I just got married in June, we started in July and got pregnant during my August cycle...we NEVER thought I'd end up pregnant so soon. My ovulation software is TELLING me I'm pregnant!!!! Thanks for letting me vent, everyone!


LadyMohan - November 20

Oh, I forgot to mention, I believe I know when I ovulated because my temp dropped the day I got a positive OPK, then the next two days it shot up .4 each, then have stayed well above cover line ever since. And with so many symptoms of possible pregnancy, and the limited time hubby and I were together during my most fertile time, I do beleive I ovulated when my chart says I did. My temps are usually 97.3-97.9 but mostly 97.6 being the average before ovulation, then 98.1-99.1 afterwar Ovulation, with them never going above 98.6 unless pregnant. Thanks!!!


Spooke - November 28

I've just come back from visiting my partner, who lives overseas. We aren't TTC, but we aren't being particularly "safe" either. Withdrawal method has always worked for us, and we are fully aware of the risks. I have a short cycle and at the time AF was due I had some pale pink spotting with mucus and only when I wiped. I was certain that I was pregnant, but Hpt was negative (it was probably too early to test at that point). I shared my concerns with my partner and we sweated together over the arrival of AF, which never came. At CD 27 I had some light, watery bleeding that was pinkish/brown in color. It lasted a day and a bit, and I had some small clots toward the end, but I never needed more than a panty liner. I told my partner that I suspected a chemical pregnancy/early miscarriage and so that was the end of that....I got on the plane and went home. I didn't give it much thought until the following week, when I started to develop some mild pregnancy symptoms. So far my symptoms have been: - Pale pink spotting (with mucus) only when I wiped - Light bleeding at 4 weeks (watered down pinkish/brown with some red on the pantyliner) - Menstrual type abdominal cramping, which I've had since before AF was due - Sharp pelvic pain after orgasm, which lasts several hours - Pulling, tugging and fluttering sensations in my lower abdomen, just above my pelvic bone - Tender b___sts and sore nipples - Intermittent queasiness - Bloating and excessive gas - Can't stop eating - Want to sleep all the time - Craving sweets/chocolate (which helps with queasiness) - Frequency of urination - Emotional - Increased CM (thin, milky); constantly feel "wet" I've done 4 tests altogether - at 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 5 weeks and 6 weeks. All negative! I will be due AF again at the end of next week. I want to wait and see if it finally arrives before I book a blood test. Without a positive Hpt, I doubt a doctor will see me before then anyway. I know no-one here can tell me if I'm pregnant. It's highly unlikely after 4 negative tests and a bleed at 4 weeks. My brain is telling me I'm not pregnant. I don't FEEL pregnant. I had a melt down today and cried for an hour. I feel physically uncomfortable (more and more so each week) and tests keep coming back negative. The wait is extremely frustrating. My family and my partner live overseas, so I'm going through this whole process alone. I've already told my partner that I miscarried and I simply can't put him through this stress all over again. I don't want to share this with anyone until I know for sure. He's told me he doesn't want a baby. It will be another 2 weeks before I find out I guess, but I will keep you posted.


Spooke - November 28

LadyMohan, I'm 38 and I'm also a nurse. There are a LOT of women our age that have normal, healthy pregnancies. I work with many of them!! You know your body better than anyone, so don't let one ignorant person upset you. Good luck to you!!


Mik - November 29

Hello All First let me start by saying that I have experienced a pretty irregular period for a few years now. However since about March it has come like clockwork on the 27th of the month.(and usually last about 4 or 5 days) I had unprotected s_x on Oct.12th and began feeling nauseated about a week later. I didn't really think to much of it since AF came on the 27th of oct. It was extremely light on the first day but appeared to be a normal the other 4 days. A few days after it ended I began feeling nauseated again along with experiencing some slight b___st tenderness, headaches , backaches, feeling very sleepy/fatigued for the past few weeks,frequent urination(especially at night),and every now and then a fluttering sensation. AF didn't show up on the 27th so I took a hpt today which came back negative. It was one that uses a -/+ and the - line was so faint you could barely see it. So I'm just wondering if there is any possibility that I could be preg or is it all just in my mind?!


shirleyshirley - December 6

hello to all. have just begun reading this post and was amazed your stories!! my period is late for about two weeks, no preg symptoms like nausea or strange food cravings, but i have been having brown discharge during the past week. it came almost during the same period of the day. im turning 23 two weeks later and am trying with my husband for a baby. did only one hpt test and it showed negative. i dunno, maybe if i dont have any preg symptoms, i shouldnt consider myself preg? of course ive also heard stories like women never get preg symptoms during the whole pregnancy. going to the docs only means more urinal preg tests. which i dont want cus i dont wanna see another bright red negative line. guess i might just let things be and go for an ultrasound if i still dont have my period the end of december.


Spooke - December 7

Just an update. I'm now 7 weeks (if that's what I am). I'm currently due for my second period and I've had some pale pinkish/brown spotting and only when I wipe - similar to what I thought was implantation spotting just before my first missed period. I'm having dull menstrual type cramping which I usually only get when I'm on my heaviest day. My b___sts have been persistently sore for the past 3 weeks. I've stopped observing other symptoms for the sake of my sanity. Overall I just feel tired and kind of "blah". I haven't taken another test as I just can't face another negative. I'm going to wait one more week to see if AF sets in, then I'll book myself in to see my doctor.


shirleyshirley - December 10

Hmm...im now three weeks late, still getting brownish discharge every now and then, not as frequently as before though. otherwise no obvious pregnancy symptoms. im startin to think that i might just be going through a cycle where no ovulation takes place.


LadyMohan - December 10

Thank you so much for your encouragement. I've heard many people say as you have. Though my doctor and I suspect I've had another miscarriage...I do feel hopeful that I will go on to carry a baby with no problem. She said at my age, to have more than one miscarriage is not uncommon, but if I have another one, to see a specialist.


Spooke - December 10

AF arrived a few days ago. It's still light and not at all normal, but lots of clots and cramping. I'm certain I had an early miscarriage and I definitely don't feel pregnant now. I guess it just wasn't meant to be, and I'm relieved to finally KNOW, even if it wasn't the answer I was secretly hoping for. Good luck and baby dust to all!!


miztaken - December 11

Hey all, I'm now running into 16 weeks late, signs of pregnancy are fading away gradually! I'm 25 and doctors say I'm not ovulating as I'm "stressed". They will not do bloods and have given up on HPTs! I've been charting too but my temp changes every few days, it doesn't seem normal! Had anyone ever had similar? My partner had tested his sperm to make sue it's healthy and they confirmed he's above normal for sperm count! Was told average was 32million, his is 118million! This makes me worse as he knows his sperm are healthy!


shirleyshirley - December 18

4 weeks late. No preg symptoms. still GETTING BROWN DISCHARGE its driving me completely nuts now. dont wanna be bothered to see a doctor she'll probably just ask me to relax and my period will eventually come. i was thinking that my ovaries might have problems and that im likely to be infertile, thats why i talked to my husband about it. surprisingly he was very calm and didnt react badly, he told me we arent super ready to have a baby now anyway so he doesnt care. we both dont like kids that much. im much relieved after knowing how he thinks.


chickadilly - February 17

Hey all I`m new to this, i havent had a period in nearly 8 weeks, taken over ten pregnancy tests all negative, came off the pill in november and had period in december, was completely normal, any ideas as what could be happening ladies? thanks


memphisof2010 - April 29

Well, Im in the same situation.. See i quit my birth control and had one period then nothing. I took 3 tests and it was negative, even the blood test. But I still haven't got my period my boyfriend thinks I'm still pg. And I guess he's bother-in-law's sister had the same thing then she pushed for an ultra sound. They found the baby.. I just think that some woman's hgc levels don't show till later than normal but every pregnancy is different.


jen487 - April 29

Hello All - this is an update from previous posts. My last period was February 19th and I finally, FINALLY got my period today, April 29th - CD 69!!! I am 26 years old and I don't think I've had ever gone that long without having a period. I blame it on my doctor who did a Pap Exam on March 24th and suggested that I might be pregnant because my period hadn't come yet. It got me ALL NERVOUS and CRAZY that I think my ovulation was extremely delayed. Stress really does effect the body. I truly thought I was pregnant - for I had spotting TWICE and felt sick the first couple weeks of April, I lost 10 lbs. almost, and wasn't having any cla__sic period symptoms until about a week ago when my b___sts starting getting sore (which is typical before my period but I thought it could be an early pregnancy symptom!). I got up this morning and there was a little brown on my toilet paper and then it turned into a period like flow. I've got my regular cramps and everything! Thank God - I did not want to be pregnant. I have been given a second chance! All of my home pregnancy tests were RIGHT. I think I'll be canceling my Doctor's appointment next week. The waiting game is over for me and it was HELL. I didn't realize so many people go through this too. This forum helped me so much get through the really tough days. Good luck to everyone to wishes to be or wishes not to be pregnant.


Dedra - May 4

Hello there ladies. I stumbled upon the thread after searching on google for 'missed peroids, negative tests' and I wound up here on this site reading this forum. This thread was created by Mandy who was 7 weeks late on her period, but was still testing negative. Thankfully, after weeks of stress and negative results, she found out she was having a girl, and was 13 and a half weeks pregnant. That was in 2005, and now women are still on this thread seeking some guidance as well. That's why I am so glad I was able to find this site. You see I'm 22, and my husband and I are TTC. We started in October, but that ended in a miscarriage. We still kept going, and now I think we may have finally gotten pregnant. The only problem, we've taken so many pregnancy tests and they've all ended up negative. What's more depressing is that I haven't had any pregnancy like symptoms. Well, other than the feeling of my waist expanding, the constant eating, and sluggish feeling I'm beginning to think its all in my head. My last peroid was on February 25. I haven't gotten my peroid since then. I've been looking up OBYGN's in my area to go to. Part of me is really hoping for a baby, and the other is sad because it would be a false alarm, and that may mean a serious concern of infertility for me. I really do want kids, and I'm just trying to share with the rest of the women out there. Because I know that I'm not the only one who is feeling this way right now. Which is why I love this site. Baby dust to all!!!!



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