Negative Blood Test Amp Botched Ultrasound But Feel Kicks

648 Replies
Cheryl2018 - February 10

It make you feel after reading all the post, if you have usual story that doesn’t fit with the normal of pregnancy you will be jump on from a great height 


Cherei - May 10

I've had one full term pregnancy. My last regular full period was March 21. Though I have been feeling real movement in my belly, in different areas. In my upper abdomen, lower back and even in my bottom. I sometimes touch to see if I will get a response and sometimes do. But have have taken hpt (all negative), as well as a negative blood test. However, I have all the pregnancy signs (nausea, vomitting, sore and enlarged b__bs and tired all the time). My stomach even looks like I am and seems to be growing continuously. My mother even felt the movements im my belly with her hand. I did end up making an appt with my OB. They scheduled me on May 24, as they wanted me to come on a day that an ultrasound tech was in the office. So at least they don't think I'm crazy. But with all the negative tests, I was thinking it might a parasite or fibroids. Is this happening or has it happened to anyone else? Also, I will update once I go to my appt..


Grandpa Viv - May 10

You have not yet missed a second period. Negative tests, especially blood tests, suggest that pregnancy is not the cause of your signs. Do come back and tell the outcome!



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