I've been TTC #2 since last February 2007 with no luck. Had multiple tests and in October everything was fine and was ovulating then my last three previous cycles I wasn't showing a coverline using Fertilityfriend and found out I stopped ovulating after having a blood test to check my progesterone. My last period was 40 days which for sure I thought a miracle happened but then had a heavy bleed for 10 days which I have never had in my life. I just started my first cycle of Clomid and now 7DPO but having cramping. Anyone else using Clomid and how long did it take before pregnancy was achieved. The only other problem is that I've noticed I'm having quite a few crying spells and wondered if anyone else had this. I'm 37 and would like to conceive soon!! Thanks for any advice!!!
KLM-I've had 2 babies thanks to Clomid. Clomid really messes with your hormones, so you don't be surprised that you are irritable/cranky/emotional/crying/etc. I was lucky in that I got pregnant with baby 1 on the second cycle of clomid, and 4 years later I got pregnant on the first cycle. Wait until cycle day 14 or 15 and take a HPT. Good luck and don't give up! :)
I sure know what you are talking about with being cranky and easily agitated and because my last cycle was 40 days long with a 10 day bleed but my OB said it was OK to start taking the clomid on my cycle day 8-12 instead of 5-9 which is the normal. He also said not to expect too much just to get me ovulating again on this first cycle. But thank you so much for your advice as now I feel better that now I know it will effect your hormones.
I am on my first round of clomid and I am also on provera and metformin. Every day I notice more and more how it is affecting my emotions and how I feel... I guess the price we have to pay huh? Well I will keep you updated. Please let me know how it worked for you since I know this post is a few months old. I am on pill 4 of first cycle so we will see what happens... Praying for all of us...