Heart Beat But HCG Levels Not Doubling
4 Replies
Hi. I am about eight weeks. I went to the doctor who found a heart beat of 160 about 5 days ago. I was relived and estatic. However, my HCG levels are increasing but not doubling. I am not sure how much they have increased and have a u/s on Tuesday. However, this seems like a longtime. I haven't had any spotting or bleeding. Does anyone have any adivce. Thanks so much.
P.S.: My progestorone levels are normal. And my inital level of HCG was considered in the normal range which was this past weekend..
AFter about 8 weeks if I am not mistaken the levels do not double as rapidly as in the early stages of pregnancy. Does your doctor seem concerned? If there is already a heartbeat..no spotting try not overconcern yourself at this point. If you could give us the exact levels of hcg I could tell you whether it seems normal or not. You can find out what the normal ranges are if you look it up on the interent. The only other thing I could suggest and only because it happened to me is the possiblity of an ectopic. My levels were going up but not exactly doubling..I was also experiencing some pain on my left side..hmmm. but you said there is already a heartbeat so that would way out that possiblity. LEt us know how things progress.
Thanks Kristin72. You words very very encouraging prior to the u/s. I had a u/s yesterday and it showed the baby was in the uterus with a strong heartbeat and everything looked good. I was dated at 9weeks. Hopefully, everything will continue to be good. Thanks agian.
Congratulations...hope all goes well!!!All the best to you. And ..update when you can.