About Prenatal Vitamin

7 Replies
niki - June 21

I want to take prenatal Vitamin before my pregnancy, which one( which brand) of this Vitamin is best? please tell me????


Nikki - June 21

I was taking one called Ellevit but I don't know if it's available there (I live in Australia); I'm still taking it whilst pregnant


Patty - June 22

HI Niki, Below is a link to Isotonic vitamins. These are the best out there because they become the same density as your body fluids and you absorb between 90-95% within 10-15 mins. You can take the multivitamin and B12; those two will encompa__s all the nutrients you need for your growing baby and you. I take them everyday even before I became pregnant! These are the best supplements out there because of the delivery system. Do not go out and buy caps or tablets, or even ones Drs. may give you because they do not break down completely in your system. Digestion can take up to 4 hours and then, you will only get between 20-40% bioavailability from pill form. I hope this helps, and if I can a__sist you in any way just let me know. I can send you a separate email outside this forum. www.prosperityunlimited.unfranchise.com


niki - June 22

Hi patty, Thanks fo much for help,i had miscarrage on Apirl/26 and i will try next month,now i am taking prenatal vit but i am not sure is best or not? My miscarrage was on 12 week, and my baby didnt any hearbit,i had to do D &C. If you have any advice i am glad to hear from you. thanks so much.


niki - June 22

Hi again, I saw the wibsite you told me,please write me the vitamin's name and which brand did you get? Thanks.


Patty - June 22

Hi Nikki, I am so sorry about your miscarriage. I experienced my first one back in the fall. You will get through it. Just take good care of yourself and take the supplements! We got pregnant again and it actually was a suprise. I had a D&C on 12/5 and we were expecting before the end of January! The brand is called called 'Isotonix' For me personally, I take the Mult_tech (mulitvitamin), the calcium and the B12 complex to make sure you get enought Folic acid) You can take what ever you would like. Email me anytime during the day at Patricia.miller@xerox.com I can help you out and respond right away to your questions! This site happens to be my business and these products are second to none.... :)


niki - June 23

Hi Patty, Thanks for your information,today i got it,its name is Rain Bow Light prenatal vit, and is 100% natural ,it has all we need. I hope we will get pregnenet and i am sure we could have a healthy baby, i pray for both,you and me. my e - mail is: pbmr1@yahoo.com if you like to write me. best


M - June 24

It really doesn't matter what brand as long as it's reputable.. just check the content to make sure key areas like folic acid are enough- after TTC for o ver a year- (I'm preggo now) I started using a huge costco prenatal vitamins.. the folic helps but the rest is not going to guarantee anything..



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