| Kim - December 3 |
Nancy - so sorry for taking so long to get the book t_tle. I sign in at work and not much at home. The book is "Miscarriage, Why it happens and how best to reduce your risks." by Henry M. Lerner, MD, OB/GYN. This book can get very technical at times but it is through. You may be able to find a book that is more emotionally supportive. This looks more into why. I think that I needed to know that it wasn't something I ate or caffeine, or something like that. This book basically summarizes that it is genetic and it is much more common that women realize. I checked out the website. I liked it. Very informative. I went out last night and bought some Robitussin and some Evening Premrose Oil. Starting taking both last night. I also had a Saline Infusion Sonogram Thursday. It is very similar to an HSG, but with saline and ultrasound instead of dye and x-ray. My ovaries had eggs (egg on left side very large - meaning close to ovulation.) I also had two smaller eggs on the right side. Uterus was smooth and looked good. My tubes were also open since the saline went outside the uterus. The Infer. Spec. recommended this procedure since they never did it after my m/c. He stated that he did these to check that nothing was left inside the uterus after the d/c to keep a woman from getting pregnant. My personal OB/GYN did the procedure. I am going to try to follow the Sperm and Egg Plan this time. How are you holding up?
I am 42, 10 weeks and very excited. My last pregnancy was 20 years ago! I have 5 grandchildren and 1 due a month before me! IThe JOY far out weighs the fear.
Kim - That is rather exciting about the Saline test you had done. They saw your eggs and they were looking rather ripe! I am praying that this time is the time for you - what a wonderful way to start the new year. Thank you for letting me know the name of the book, I think I may go ahead and see if they have it at my library. I also read about this woman who does preconception counceling utilizing body/mind connection. She had helped women become pregnant even when having extremely high fsh levels and failed IVF treatments. I think I will ask my hubby if I can have a session with her - we celebrate Christmas, so I may ask for that as my present! I like the thought of communication with my body to let it heal & then invite my baby. You know it's almost like I feel a baby wanting to come..well, don't want to get all into it now. I better sign off before I start rambling - my husband had to work unexpectantly today, usually doesn't work on the weekends, and my son is sleeping so here I am! Take care - oh, have you heard anything new from DEBBIE? She last posted in November and I'm hoping all is well for her. Talk with you later.
Im 42 and did a home pregnancy test yesterday, with positive results. This would be our first. We kind of just gave up on it a few years ago. We did do initial infertility work-ups and the doctor advised that chances were very slim due to my age. I now need to find a gyn for high risk pregnancy????
| Lin - December 5 |
No Dorenda a regular OB.. they will send you for genetic counsling, Im 42 and 38 weeks pregnant, am about to pop anyday. They will send you for a special 2D sonogram and posibly an amniocentisis, the AFB blood testing will be positive for downs syndrome but dont worry about that its just a risk factor and it goes by your age.. alot of false positives. I often wonder what happened to the woman who went by the name scared who started this thread
| Kim - December 6 |
Lin - Scared started a new thread "Update on "anyone 42 and pregnant" She even had her name as "scared (not any more)" A good thing.
Please if you know about clomid+ progestrone
tell me,my doc told me,i should take both oth them this month.
Dorinda ,hi i am 42 please pray for me this month,because of i want to use clomid+progestron i hope it works for me this month.
| Kim - December 13 |
Frances -- didn't think of it earlier, but a dip in temps 1 week before AF with spotting could be implanting. I don't want to get your hopes too high. But I have read about implant dips in your BBT. *******EXTRA BABY DUST TO YOU********
It is natural to be scared, especially after reading the statistices for women over 40 getting pregnant. I am 47 and am 16 weeks pregnant. (Not planned) I'll be 48 when the baby arrives if all goes well. We will not do any pre natal testing except for a targeted ultrasound next month. I'm scared but I believe everything is in God's hands. I have 5 living children, miscarred in 1987 and miscarried with my last pregnancy at 18 weeks in 1993. We haven't told anyone yet, I still scared I'm going to lose this child. Keep us in your prayers.
| Kim - December 16 |
Surprised, I am 45 and ttc. I miscarried in May, but still trying. It is good to hear of someone my age able to conceive. You will be in my prayers. Take good care of yourself and the child.
Surprised - I too will keep both of you - all three of you - in my prayers. My dr told me of two women he delivered babies for that were over 46 years old. He told me both were healthy babies & natural. One was after over 17 years of trying, including fertility treatments, which did not take. Then it happened naturally. The other was after a women had b___st cancer and underwent chemo. A few years later she thought she was going through menopause. When your baby is meant to be - it comes. You have my prayers and blessings! Happy, Happy New Year!
| Kim - December 19 |
Nancy - how are you doing? I have been thinking about you.
I'm 42 and I'm 10 weeks. This is my 3rd child and my last. Everything has been great. No morning sickness, as a matter of fact, I've never had this in any of my pregnancies. I will have a CVS done in January. I'm not worried about anything, God is right there with all of us. So what we're older, we are handling this better than the younger women. It took my husband and I 6 months and we had alot of fun trying !!!!! (smile) He's 48 and we all are excited. I have instant babysitters. Our daughters are 15 and 12. They can't wait. To all the Ladies, enjoy what the Lord has given us...... Blessings. Bye
Hi Kim - today is a bad day for me! I am in pain and I began to get angry about everything and when my son and I were at the post office I slammed my car trunk and the bike rack hit me in the face, causing me to bleed and cry like a baby! The parking lot was busy and people wanted me to get out of the way. It was horrible and I cried so much I just couldn't stop. This too shall pa__s - I keep saying to myself! I've been thinking of you too. I just read something very interesting about an infection called "ureaplasma" and the article said that anyone with fertility problems or multiple miscarrage should be tested for this infection. It is done by ones obgyn, like a pap. I think I may request one from my doctor...maybe. Are you ready for the holiday's? Any good news to tell? Thanks for thinking of me!