| LC - June 3 |
Hey all over 35. Hubby and I just started ttc. Was wondering how many months of trying did it take before you wonderful older women to get the BFP. Just curious because research claims it can take a bit longer for women over 35. Thanks for you input.
I became pregnant on my third postpartum cycle.
the first time we tried it took about 18 months, i had a miscarriage the first time....then it took about 12 months to fall pregnant again.
It took us one to two months but had a few unexplained m/c's- and after the last one, pregnant after 2 cycles- now I'm 20w..
Quick question...did it take two months and then you had a few m/c's? were your periods regular?
Pregnant at 35 - 4 mos after first ttc - miscattiage due to ectopic pregnancy. Preggo 3 months after that, now 19 weeks with 1st baby and I am 36 now, too. I hope this helps.
Hi LC: I got pregnant the first month ttc (when 35) but sadly, had a miscarriage. After that, 5 months ttc. Just got my BFP last week! (am 36 now).
I was on "The Pill" and then stopped it. I got pregnant about 2 weeks after stopping the pill. They say if you are already fertile, it's an easy way to get pregnant for some. My Dr. says I am very fertile and that I am healthy so that's why it happened like that for me. He says even at my age now, I can still get pregnant easily. And just to let you know for those of you who are fertile like me, you can even get pregnant when you go into Menopause.
| L - June 8 |
Hi LC. First child at 37 and became pregnant first month. Second time trying at 40, became pregnant first month...miscarried at 10 weeks. I got my period 5 weeks later and became pregnant again at first attempt :) I am now 28 weeks. Best to you!
| TJ - June 8 |
This is #4 for me (I'm 38). Fist two are 19 and 12. My baby is 21 months old and I conceived the first month we tried (I was 35 at the time)-had her at 36 and she's perfect. I am now 16 weeks along with my LAST child and again, first time we tried it was successful! Timing is everything! If you have a normal cycle, it should go pretty smoothly! Best advice-RELAX and things will happen as God intends for them to. I am living proof! :-)
Ha! at research. I came of the pill, the following month I was pregnant (not really trying I might add). If you're healthy I think it may not take long. Good luck.
Well, I would not say timing is everything--neither is being healthy. I am very healthy, conceived my first after 2 months of trying, 2nd, took 11 months! Timing was perfect, used OPK kits and charted. I would say, timing, healthy eggs and sperm, and a lot of luck!!!
Got pregnant with #3 at age 34 (delievered at age 35) after one cycle of ttc. Now pregnant with #4 (will be 37 next month) after ttc one cycle. I thought it would take much longer because of my age. Thankfully it happened right away. Now I'm worried about m/c because of my age. Although I've never had one before. Knock wood. :)
| L - June 26 |
Started TTC when I was almost 38, got pg imm.- m/c at 6 wks, pg immediately after, blighted ovum at 8wks, on hold, chemical pg when ttc again, on hold for three months, pg imm. with suspected molar pg (fort was not- til 11wks, on hold, pg imm. now I'm 23w.. testing all came out normal (and we had extensive testing)
| L - June 26 |
CONT. above- so in total it took 15 months til hopefully a successful birth- everything looks great- chromosones normal etc.. I'll be 39 when I give birth..
Hello: Could someone tell me what ttc is? Thanks
Cindy, I think it's "trying to conceive" if I'm not mistaken.