
22 Replies
tara - January 13

I'm 24 wks on tues and having a boy, and my face is clear except the bottom part under my lips has bad acne on the right, left, and center of my chin. my skin is also very dry. I think its a cyclical problem. pimples= need to clean face= dry skin=peeling= need to moisturize= more zits. if anyone can figure anything out, pls let me know. i think mine is getting a little better, but maybe that's wishful thinking??


Renee - January 14

Pregnancy in general, I think, does a lot to your body - regardless of what you are having. I too am dealing with acne all over (shoulders, back, face- YUCK) It's on my forehead and into my hairline on occa__sion... it's just not pretty. I have been using dove face wash and SPOT TREATING (teeny tiny dabs) of proactiv moisture lotion on the healers. I was told if you see a dermatologist, they can prescribe something safe to use during pregnancy. I don't know why I haven't gone yet!!!!!!!!!!!! good luck


yep, boy - January 14

I am not prone to breakouts. I did not have them with my first two which are girls. This one is really breaking me out. Found it without a doubt last week, its a boy!


losi - January 15

hi, i've been experiencing some really annoying pimples around 4 or 5 on my forehead and cheaks lately.. im pregnant almost 22 weeks now.. i just found out yesterday that we might be having a girl (dr wasn't so sure as she didnt see any girl parts) so i think it might be hormonal stuff due to women pregnant with girls..


jquinton - February 11

Question: What can salycic acid do, because I am 15 weeks and have been using a face wash with that ingredient in it?


Shannon - February 13

I don't know about acne when pregnant with a boy, but I'm having a girl and I am suffering the worst acne ever. So that proves half of the old wives tale. For me at least.


Emma4328 - May 26

ClearPores Acne Treatment - great results in quick time. this helped me reduce the signs of my acne in time for my brothers wedding!



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