Hi all, I am new to this. But I was hoping to find someone that has experienced anything similar to me!!! Just want to give ya some background first. So in the beginning of this year, it was found that I have a ping pong ball size cyst, I was supposed to get it checked again, but couldn't afford to. So every month my period cramp are way worse then they ever were. I'm also one of those women that can feel it when I ovulate, according to my calendar I was not ovulating on the 11-2, but my body said I was, and it was the last day. We tried to concieve that day, since then I have been throwing up, headaches, frequent urination, etc.. I took a test on 11-12 and it was negative. And then on 11-13 I got my period. my question is can I still be pregnant, I really feel like I am, but since my period started a day earlier then scheduled I am worried that I can't be. Also if you had a cyst while pregnant, can you share your experience? PLEASE HELP!!! any and all advice is appreciated!!!