Grampa Viv Im Confused ????
1 Replies
| Jlh - October 12 |
We have been trying to concieve. And i was 19 days late on my period. I took 6 home pregnancy test all negitive but one was odd. It had a faint positive line then went away real quick. Was having pregnancy symtoms or so i thought. But then oddly enough my period came. It was a normal period. Bled heavy the 1st day then spotted the next 3 days. Period ended on oct. 6th. And today im having sharps pains that come and go on my left side in the ovary area. I am so confused. If i did indeed concieve last month would i still have a period?
This does not sound like pregnancy. Have you thought of an ovarian cyst, a near miss or even ectopic. I expect you have by now seen a doctor if the pains persisted.