My boyfriend and I broke up in December. January 3 was the beginning of my last cycle I had sex protected with a long time friend the weekend of January 20-21, and we didn't even finish which means he didn't even release his sperm. one week later my boyfriend and I hooked backed up the weekend of the 27th and had sex multiple times without protection. February 14 I found out I was pregnant my doctor then told me I was due October 10 based on my lmp which would add up to me being pregnant by the friend. But on march 8 (first ultrasound) I was told I was 8 weeks and due October 18 which adds up to me being pregnant by my boyfriend even though my lmp would have been January 11 but it wasn't. A DNA test will be done with my boyfriend first when the baby arrives but I'm just not sure if got pregnant when I was using protection or is it really my boyfriends.