2WW Pg1272766940

518 Replies
PhoenixK - May 31

Happy Memorial Day, everyone! CD 12 here, nothing new. ALC, thanks! To answer your question, no, I don't bd with the donor. He does his thing in a sterile cup just before I get there. I take it home and put it into an needleless syringe and my partner puts it into me. So, if I do get preggers, my partner will kinda be the one who got me that way. =0) Then my partner and I do a modified bd. Some studies have shown that when a woman has a strong orgasm after bd'ing, chances are better for pregnancy. Simone, any news from your tests? When is dh going to be back home? Good luck to everyone else this month!


lovemydogs38 - June 1

hi everyone; CD 29 tomorrow; still no AF, but im sure she will show. I broke down and hpt'd again this morning; you guessed it; BFN. *sigh* I don't usually go longer than 30 days, but have gone to 31 and 33 once this year. One time even 27!! I'm a little po'd because we tried really hard this month!!! Well, at least there's next month. Good luck Phoenix! I hope this works out for you..


pixiej - June 1

I wrote a really long post yesterday but it didn't load :( Lovemydogs - I am in the same boat as you. Got dark brown spotting 2days ago. Got excited that it was implantation spotting and also did another hpt – BFN. My temp has dropped significantly 2 days in a row now to the usual pre-AF bbt, so the ugly AF is about to appear and the spotting must be the precursor to that. Odd that it's dark brown, oh well. If that’s the case then my cycle is 31days (same as last month). Next month I will use more O tests and Maybe Baybe saliva tester – anyone with experience on this little piece of equipment? Alc I am in Melbourne - and you? Have your symptoms ramped up at all? Is it just me or do you also find it silly that we have these phantom symptoms that seem so obvious to us in the 2WW, and when we end up with BFN it starts all over again? If I wasn’t TTC and had those same symptoms without the added mental pressure of TTC, then I would be at the doctor straight away. LOL. Makes me feel a bit ridiculous, like I dreamt them all up. Happy BD-ing Cristalt22, afterall TTC should still be fun! Phoenix your system sounds very organised, I like it ;) Fingers crossed this is the month for you and your partner


tryn4#2 - June 1

Hello every1, My son is feeling much btr now Thank God. Af started on the 24th;~( Now its 2WW again grrrr...Well I do need some help though. If I have a 30-31 day cycle what day will I ovulate??? Ugh this is so confusing!!!


lovemydogs38 - June 1

No kidding about the 'phantom symptoms'. Geez, if i was pregnant every time i had symptoms, i'd always be pregnant! Update: CD29 today; still no af; still no bfp; But great big sore bbs!! HOWEVER: I've just heard about this unit called an "OV watch". Has anyone heard about this??? It's a watch you wear at night while you sleep and apparently it's incredibly accurate at telling you EXACTLY when you will ovulate! My friends friend had been ttcing for over a year when they got this watch; they got pregnant the first month they tried!! It's about $100 and you can get it on the internet. I've ordered one, and I can't wait to try it!!! If anyone has any experience with this; please share!! It could be the answer for all of us!!!! Babydust!


pixiej - June 3

So what's the update lovemydogs? I am nearing the end of AF, getting fired up for another month of BD, 2WW... I had not heard of the OV watch. Just googled it and it looks great, a lot easier than POAS ov predictors. Does it beep or something or do you just check it each morning after waking up? Tryn - I also have a 30-31 day cycle. You will probably ovulate anywhere from CD 16-20, depending on your body. Suggest trying an ovulation predictor of some kind and take your temp. I am trying the Maybe Babybe saliva tester this month.


lovemydogs38 - June 4

Hey everyone; Update: AF came last night. Even though she was expected, doesn't ease my disappointment in a miracle. Well, at least in the next couple of weeks we can try again! I bought this awesome book "taking charge of your fertility". It actually talks about the OV Watch! Here's what it says; A type of wrist computer that looks like a watch, but is worn only while sleeping. The purpose is to detect chloride ions on the surface of the skin. About 6 days before ovulation, chloride ion levels surge, before estrogen peaks and LH surges. Thus, its advantage is that it predicts ovulation earlier than typical oculation predictor kits, which only test for LH. On the website, I paid $100 for a starter set and one month of refills. Not bad considering how much a person could potentially spend on OPK's! Especially if you have to test twice a day! The author also mentions the saliva ferning, saying it can be difficult to interpret the results. I also started charting my cycles this month and am very excited to find out what's going on with my body! You'd think after 4 pregnancies and 3 kids I would be an old hat at this! Hah! I'm 38, btw and my dh is 34. Please updates! I'm dying to know!!


lovemydogs38 - June 4

PS: i've figured out from reading this book that the trick is to have as much sperm as possible WAITING for the egg; not the other way around because sperm last longer than the egg. So knowing a few days ahead of time of ovulation allows you to take full advantage in 'stocking up' before the big day! Not like anyone on here didn't know that, but i'm just clueing in and the info is very exciting!! Babydust!


justinaclaire - June 4

Hi everyone!! Shew, im gone for just a few days and there are tons of new threads! So awesome to read everyones posts and comments. Love: Thank you for sharring this info with us!! Much appreciated. Last weekend i bought myself a book called : What to expect, before expecting" Its brilliant! Loads of solid advice and answers to questions that run through our minds...plus, at the back of the book is a charting area for your AF and a few different diary logs. Im going to say it again, its a BRILLIANT book! Also, whats so cool about it...it has small inserts for your partner to read too. Info that could help him and some good advice on do's and donts. Well, as you all know...i got my Af, but very different from normal. This time round it was 3 days late and on first day of arrival, it was hardly there...more like spotting. then on day 2 it was a little bit heavier and same on day 3. Day four....MIA. i normally have my AF for 5 days strong. Oh well. Also just wanted to share some news...my best friend had her first sonar today, she is 8 weeks pregnant. Strong heartbeat and the little bean is 1.57cm long with a BIG head. Doc reckons its likely to be a boy as boys start off with bigger heads than what a girl does. She is beside herself with happiness!! Lotsa baby dust to you all and happy practising!! Fingers and toes crossed for all!


PhoenixK - June 6

Well, today is the day for me! I'm heading to meet my sperm donor in a couple of hours and should O tomorrow! The comes the dreaded TWW where every little sign and symptom will make me wonder. Frustrating.. but at least now I know what I usually experience, thanks to writing everything down. How is everyone? alc, I know you should be getting ready for AF, what's happening with you? Talk to y'all soon!


mjelfman - June 8

Hey everyone! I'm 24 yrs old, DH is 32. This would be my first and his 2nd. I'm going CRAZY trying to be patient... I haven't been charting (but if AF arrives this week, I WILL!). We bd a lot anyway, haha, so I'm kinda surprised nothing has happened yet. And every single time I psych myself into believing I'm preggo, even to the point of being nauseous! I can't remember the day my last AF started (it was either 5/5 or 5/10) and I have a very normal 28 day cycle. Which means I'm either 6 days late, or 2 days late! Either way it's late and it's driving me nuts! I did an HPT yesterday and it was BFN...*sigh* I'm gonna wait until Saturday for AF then test again. ***Sticky baby dust to all***


PhoenixK - June 10

Hey everyone! Y'all still around? Not many postings lately. Lets hear some updates from everyone! Not much to say here yet. I'm around 3DPO here. My temps have been erratic, to say the least, so I'm not sure what day it will pin me for my O date. I think it was on Monday, the 7th, but then my temp did a major nose dive on the 8th, so who knows! It's still not above the coverline either! I'd love to hear from everyone. Please pop in quick and give an update!


simone7399 - June 10

Hi Phoenix! It's been a long three weeks, but hubby is home for a couple of days!!!!! We are making the most of it since it may be are last time for a while:) My blood work came back and all is fine. I have a gyno appointment on the June 17th. Now we just need to see if I am ovulating and how I can shorten up these cycles. They have been between 40-45 days. Maybe I will get lucky this time around while hubby is home. My last period was May 10th. My next one is due between the 20th and the 25th. What do you think my odds are? Did you get some bd in on the 6,7,and 8th? LOTS OF BABY DUST!!!!


PhoenixK - June 10

Hey Simone! Timing could be right for you. Most women have a 12-16 day leuteal phase, and if you're due for AF in 10-15 days, you're could be in the peak O time right now. I'm glad to hear that your blood work came back OK, that's a good start! We did the AI on the night of the 6th, should have O'd on the 7th, but like I said, my temps are really whacked out this month, so I don't really know anything yet. I guess time will tell. Have a great time with hubby!


lovemydogs38 - June 10

Hi everyone! Seems i'm the 1,000,000th visitor everytime i come on this site :) I am currently on cd9, pretty boring right now. I expect to ovulate around cd17 and my cycles are very regular; 29 days. dh just came home for his 2 week stint until he goes back to work for 2 weeks. Should be around the o date, HOWEVER, he's going fishing for 3 days - the 13-16th!! If i o on the 17th, then it will be ok, but i sure would have liked a few more days of bd before then! Oh well. we'll have fun in the meantime! I got my OV watch yesterday! on cd 8, when you have to begin using it on cd 1, 2 or 3. Otherwise it will not be able to collect enough data from your skin to tell you when you will ovulate. So if this month is a bust, i'm excited to use my watch next month! gotta go; love to see the updates!


justinaclaire - June 11

Hello Ladies! It is so motivating to hear from all of you....the positiveness and excitement spills all around! Phoenix: Hang in there and quite right..time will tell! Just have some faith! Fingers and toes crossed for you!! Simone': Yeah, I have to agree with Phoenix, this could very well be just the right time for you and hunny!! GOOD LUCK and ENJOY..*big smile* Love: Its seems like you and I have the same cycles... I also O on round about cd 17 and have a 29 day cycle. I did some calculations, and evidence points in that direction. Im on cd14 at the moment. Im having a bit of a hard time at the moment with my hubby. To be honest, i dont get it or understand him. He is shutting down completely from me at the moment. He says that im putting too much pressure on him ect but the thing is, i dont even speak to him about the details ect. At most, he will see me reading my book "what to expect before you're expecting"...and thats it. And the odd moment, i will send him a "hint", playfully, suggesting thats its good to go by sending him a cheeky message tucked in his lunchbox. I have deliberately been trying not to put any pressure on him and make our times together special and playful. What a contradiction this is turning our to be. Im trying to NOT put pressure on him and instead he is shutting down from me. Its so frustrating, and we only in very early months of trying. And further more, he is the one bragging to all our friends that we are trying and how much he wants us to have a baby and how excited he is. So, right now, im very confused and dont understand whats going though his mind. To be honest, ive given up for this month with anything happening. Sorry to complain so much and seem negative, i just dont know how else to vent this. Ladies, any advice you can give me on how to eleviate any pressure my husband is feeling or tips what i must do? Baby dust to all!!



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