For Those Of Us Waiting Let S Share Signs Amp Symptoms

150 Replies
sandra - March 30

hi guys, i love this forum. it makes me feel like i'm not alone in this pursue of babyhood :) anyway i hope im pregnant this time. I'm 11 DPO, for this week, I've been awfully fatigued. I can't even walk fast. I've fainted once and I have not fainted for more than 10 yrs. I feel so lightheaded, dizzy at times. And I've got this horrible tension headaches for 3 days. I didnt take any medication just in case. My b___bs are sore and i have cramping like AF is coming. I'm due for my AF today and I hope to test on Sunday. I'm so tempted to test now! the wait is unbearable. I've had so many negatives though that it's a little unbelievable if this is a positive now :) but i'm always hoping!


babylove4 - March 30

Baby dust ~~*~~*~~-2 U sandra, I'm going through the same thing here, I can prob. test today but i'll do it 2morrow, I hope af does NOT visit me again this year!!!!


virgo_gal - March 30

LOL! I am Lisa! I started this thread over 2 years ago when I was just beginning to TTC!! How wonderful it is to see this thread again after all this time. You ladies made my day! :D For those of you wondering -- I DID go on to get my BFP just one month later and now have a HEALTHY, BEAUTIFUL 16 month old son. Never give up hope ladies ~


mommie_of_2 - May 10

im new here... i am 5dpo, last night i had some dark brown spotting only when i wiped. AF isnt due until the 23rd. With my second baby i knew i was preg. from week 3! i only got sore b___bs with the first one, as well as darker nipples. i've been soo sleepy the last 6 days or so. more than normal. I'm just coming off depo shots. my last one was Feb. 5th. Is is possible to get preg so soon after stopping the depo...please help!!


cdpace88 - May 10

Hey mommy of 2: sounds like you might have had some ib!!! Fingers crossed for you! I am 7DPO and am feeling some light cramping and light back ache. Also, when I went to the restroom earlier today (had a BM) there was a light spot of blood on the tp. A friend at work said she thinks its implatation bleeding. Also nauseous on and off througout the day, and a little dizzy after lunch. Not so much appet_te AND also I got a bad cold that came and went pretty quickly (although a girl i work with had the same cold so that one might be coincidence). I am going to test on mother's day sunday (i know that's really really early ;) ) so then if i get a bfn, i'll test again on friday the 18th the day af is due! Baby Dust and luck to all who want it xoxo Sunshine


sahm2alaj - May 10

cdpace88~ af is also due on the 18th for me!! GL with the testing :)


mommie_of_2 - May 10

Now the discharge is still only when i wipe, but its stringy, but still sick i cant move off the couch. I dont think its the flu or AF. as its still like 2 weeks away...i gave the cat his food and it made me gag, i cant even think of changing my kids... i thought after being on depo it's supposed to take a while to get preg again...who knows....Good Luck to you cdpace88


dbfedish - May 10

Let's See: Im late on AF... Pinkish IB last week nothing new, very tired sick at night like hot flashes b___sts are fuller but not too tender.... I hate this waiting game ah!


cindy - August 1

oh wow...I am 2 weeks late myself. I have taken 4 HPTs...all negative. I have been queezy for a week now,day and night.Tired,bloated. Two days ago my b___st started feeling a little weirs...sensitive to touch...and today they are tingly and seem full. I feel huge. i am overweight anyway....but this past week I feel like I have almost doubled in I am 46 years husband and I have been trying for 4 years now...Im worried cause of my age.....but excited at the possibilities!


waiting4u - June 6

i need help!!! i am worrying myself crazy sore b___bs white bumps on areola cramps took two preg test both negative havent missed a period yet.. am i just tricking my body into thinking im preg? im not craving foods in fact im not hungry most of the times which is odd for me.. Please i need help before i go bats any comments would be appreciated


Chloe - August 15

Hi! :] So, I'm not sure if I am pregnant. I don't have a lot of symptoms but I've been constipated a lot lately (which is weird for me). Also, I started getting a few veins on my nipples. My b___sts don't hurt but my nipples seem to have grown a lot. I don't get a little sleepier than normal during the day and I feel the need to sleep longer. Could I be pregnant? We had s_x two days after AF and I'm not due for a few more days. It's killing me!!!


mzlloydb08 - August 19

5 days ago i had brown blood and new blood only when i wiped then again 3 days ago and then again yesterday but yesyerday it was just new blood but it was just a tiny amnt. My period lasts 5 days and is very heavy. My period isnt due till the 25th or 26th and im wondering could this be IB, has this happened to anyone before?


Shaleah07 - September 4

Im waiting too. i have very irregular periods...but i have been having sore b___st and they look much fuller than usual. cramping and i have been getting verrrry mood like way bad i flipped out on my boyfriend today because we couldnt find a ride to my grandparents && almost started crying over it [[lol]] i also been gaining alot of weight which is very noticeable. even my step dad noticed it...after 10 days. but i just had a female checkup && they said i may have ovarion cyst i have to go tomorrow to get test im also gonna get a prego test. so wish me luck please =]


LittleMongo18 - April 26

Hey, all. I'm new to this. I'm 5dpo and starting today, I have no appet_te whatsoever, except for a soft pretzel (and not just any kind of soft pretzel - the Super Pretzel kind you can buy in the supermarket). Weird. My hubby and I have been TTC since the end of November, but this is the first month I think I have ovulated (based on my BBT charts). I had been on Birth Control and when I went off, I didn't ovulate for 4 months. Did anyone else experience loss of appet_te and specific cravings so soon?


boni08 - October 21

today is 22nd of september my last period was 26th of october i am 11 plus dpo i had cramping on the 13th of september which i am hoping is implantation cramps which lasted a little while each day 4 3 days, i havent had many signs headaches-that could be due to caffine withdrawal bachaches but nothing to unbearable i came off the pill 2 months ago as me and my partner are trying for our 2nd baby.. i wish i had more signs i have first response but is to be taken on the day you miss your period any 1 taking this early and got a positive!



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