I am 38 weeks pregnant, and i'm starting to feel very anxious about the labor part. I feel like the longer I have to keep waiting the more scared I get. I have had back labor for about 2 weeks now, i'm dilated to 2. And I just want this to be over. Any ideas on how to get rid of the fear, or make him come out sooner :-/ ?
The imminence of labour is scary. I think the best thing to do is relax. The more stressed you are, the more difficult labour will be. Have a warm shower, get your partner to give you a ma__sage, things like that. It can't hurt. :)
WALK! That is the one thing that I think helped me they induced my labor last week and in between the stages of the induction they let me get up and move around until they started the pitocin and after the second day of the induction it worked and I believe that that was due to the walking that I did after the cervadil was removed. Also I have heard that nipple stimulatin causes natural contractions and can help to induce labor but this technique sholud only be tryed under the advice of a physician.
yea... i'm going to the store to get castor oil right now. But i'm not going to use as much as the dose calls for. Mainy because I have already had many contractions that lead me to believe that the baby is coming. but then they just stop for no good reason. So i'm just going to use a very lil bit in some orange juice to make my labour kick in for good. Hopefully. If this doesn't work, well then I guess he will just need to stay in a little longer. Wish me good luck!