Father Who Got Shut Out (Last Name Questions)

1 Replies
Durison - November 28

Hi all,

I have been going through a lot of emotional heartache. A girl that I was seeing for a good amount of time wanted to have a baby, and as soon as she got pregnant, she shut me out approx. 1-2 months during her morning sickness period. She has removed me completely from all communcation for no reason at all. It's hard because I wanted to be apart of the development of the baby. At this point, I feel she isn't going to have me be apart of the birth of the child, and I have already spoke with an attorney on how I could have rights to the baby.

I found out it is a boy through some mutual friends, and I have a feeling she isn't going to give the baby my last name which really hurts. 

Is there anyway to give the baby my last name? Is it something that would need to happen later on when he grows up and realizes that I am his dad and wonders why he doesn't have my last name? 

I appreciate any feedback.


Grandpa Viv - December 1

Durison, you need to back off. She is going through an emotional time and pushing things will only antagonize her more. Just let her know, through friends if necessary, that you will be there with support any time she needs it.

Do your friends say there is another man in her life? Are you sure you are the father? What do the friends say is her stated reason for excluding you?



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