18 And Trying For A Baby

35 Replies
mickey87 - February 19

can I just say something here...if people don't want negative feed back why bother telling your age at all?


Riarios - April 9

I'm 19, and have been trying since I was 18. I had two terrible miscarriages within 9 months of each other, and now I'm 7 weeks, 4 days pregnant. I believe I achieved this when, back in January, I was having financial issues being a college student and paying for a lot of mine and my boyfriend's tuition and books that our aid didn't cover. I thought, "Maybe now really isn't the time to get pregnant." And, voila...I stopped thinking about it, and about a month later I got pregnant, and here I am. I've never gotten past 5 weeks without a miscarriage, and am looking forward to having a baby in November...Just don't think about it, and its more likely to happen.


Kitten_2555 - April 19

Well congratulations on the pregnancy Riarios, and the best of luck to you, hope it goes well and fullterm!


Riarios - April 20

Thank you! Everything is going well so far, so I'm really excited.


wantinganothegiftfromgod - October 25

hey i know this is old but i wanted to say something i think it is good you r ttc me an my fiance been ttc and right noe my period is 4 days late so most likely im prego!! im excited i should b 4 wks today so keep yo head up and also im bout to be a mother of 2. and im bout to graduate in may so keep tryin and oh uyeah it does help if you dont think about it



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