Honestly, I had a one night stand the other week we used a condom because I haven't been on the pill for a while. He finished inside of the condom but he put his penis back in me almost immediately after he took it off, I didn't think about it at first but my friend keeps on joking saying I'll be pregnant and it's all I keep thinking about. I'm not due to start my period just yet so I'm not sure if I am be pregnant. I'm worried and don't know what to do.
Could i get pregnant from that?
Your friend has a point, but the risk is low. Run a test when your period is due using first morning urine.
i had finished my period about a week before this happened, I took plan B today but it was 49 hours after it had happened so i know that it has a lower chance of working but it's still in the 72 hour window so hopefully it'll work for me
i'm normally not that reckless and it was a stupid thing to do but i didn't think about it because we initially used a condom and he ejaculated in that, but i know my mind won't be settled until i do a test or get my period
thank you for your advice, i'll defiently be taking it on board