31 Weeks And 2 Cm Dialated
31 Replies
I only live 10 minutes from the hospital. Not far at all. I had the normal ultrasound at 19 weeks and when I was there the girl told me to come back around 28 weeks and have the doctor request a ultrasound for growth vs. date and she would do the 3D and then my insurance would pay since it was for growth vs. date. I think that is what she put on the paperwork. That is when they discovered that I was dilated. My doctor is wanting to keep me here until I am 34 weeks (5 weeks), Isn't this crazy!!!! I feel fine and have had no contractions since Monday after the pelvic. After the FFN came back negative I thought for sure they would send me home, my friend was at home on bedrest because her FFN kept coming back positive. What the doctor told me about the FFN is that even though it is negative they have to revert back to the clinical setting and I am dilated. It really makes no sense. I am going to ask my doctor for a consult from a High Risk OB who deals with situations like this all the time. From what you are telling me I really shouldn't be here like I thought but when you hear all this you immediately get scared and listen to the doctor. My doctor was born full term at 38 weeks. I went to the doctor on a Wednesday and she took me off work because of high blood pressure, I was off one day and then went into labor on Friday at 11am and had her at 8pm. I never had any of this with her but who knows because I didn't have an internal exam. I forgot to ask when did you start having intermittent contractions? Do you continue to have contractions? Thank you for listening and providing information. I really appreciate it.
Well, I'm back. My fluid level is still low and now on top of it all the cord is wrapped around his neck... I have to go back for an appt. at 4:30. I don't know what to expect. They just told me to come in. So I don't know...
sstiles- WOW!! Is all I can say. I would definitely get a second opinion!!! 5 weeks!?!?! Gosh, I am so sorry!! :( I really hope that they figure something out. Its like... what if you never had the 3D scan done?? Then none of this would happen and you may have never even of known and gone full term without any scare. Think that is why most doctors wont do an internal before full term. Cuz, all it does is scare you. (if you are dilated)... Yes, I have had contractions since 32 weeks. I even had them pretty strong and every 10 minutes. One time I had them every 4 minutes for an hour. Yet, they are still considered braxton hicks, because they weren't true labor contractions. As my doctor calls it "practice contractions" since they are irregular. I know every doctor is different and some freak out way more than others. As I said, there is one here at my clinic that really made me nervous telling me NO WAY I am going to make it full term (which I am now)... etc., etc. then the rest said that there is no way to know. I just can't believe you only live 10 minutes away and aren't having labor contractions, yet they are keeping you. Please let me know if you do seek another doctors advice and what they say. I feel for you!! :( ___Alyssam- awww, I am so sorry!!! Maybe he will unwrap the cord. I know they play with it a lot. I sure hope it fixes. Yet, at least they are aware of it, so thats good. How low is the fluid?? Make sure you are drinking LOTS LOTS & LOTS of fluids. Stay well hydrated. I am going to pray for both you gals tonight. Sure hope all works out!! :)
Hi, I was 2-3 cm dialated with my first and 2nd pregnancy(the whole last month) and although I usually find my doctor to be very cautious, there was never any caution or stress taken with the fact that I was dialated at all. I was diated for my whole last month and very soft. So thinned out that my doctor was always worried he might break my water when he checked me, but never did and in fact he even had to break my water during labor. Although I appreciate the catiousness of the doctors in this situation I don't think there needs to be so much attention not to mention more stress on you put on the whole event. That baby is gonna come when it wants. And in that last month anything goes as far as that baby is concerned cuz it's ready to come out! Good Luck and don't be too worried about it. Just take it as it comes!
Well I went to see the doctor again later yesterday. He did another ultrasound because he said some people tend to over exaggerate and he wanted to see things for himself. He came to the conclusion that yes my fluid was below normal and that the cord was over his neck. I will be monitered closely. More then likely I will be having weekly ultrasounds to check fluid levels. ALSO, baby is in a breeched position. He would usually not be to worried about it at this stage BUT being that my fluid level is low and there is not much room for him to move around, he is thinking possible C-Section..... BUT it's early and I'm hoping both fluid goes up and he changes his position! Thank you all for your support!
I hope all goes well. I know it's a pain in the b___t to get monitored so often. I have been getting the nst test for the past 4 weeks and will continue for the last 4 just to be sure that my baby is doing well too. He said it is just precaution because of the abnormal aft testing, but it is always good to be extra cautious when it comes the safety of that little one inside. I hope that all goes well and you can carry it full term and have the v____al delivery instead of c-section. It truley is a miracle!!!! Good Luck
Alyssam- well, at least they are aware of whats going on and taking precaution. You still have almost 2 months left until your due date!? so, hopefully it just may fix itself out. Perhaps when baby goes to turn, he might pull the cord back off his neck. Just keep drinking lots of fluids like I said... you just never know. Oh, and don't buy into the whole... not much room to move so the bub may not turn... My baby has almost NO room left in there and he moves all day long. lol.. My friend actually had a c-section scheduled because her baby was breech and would never go head down. Her and her hubby (childhood friends) had everything ready to take baby home the day of the scheduled c-section. Right before getting ready for it, they did another ultrasound and baby turned. So, they were bummed that they weren't going to see their daughter that day, but so happy that she did turn and didn't have to have a c-section. So, you never know. They can turn at the last minute regardless of how much room is in there. Especially when your only 32-33 weeks. :) If not, well... its not the end of the world. Hey, just look at it this way... even if baby was born "today" (s)he would survive. Perhaps with even little complications. :) When is your next appt.?? 3-4me- how far are you now?? also, yea... a lot of woman are dilated and/or effaced the last month or 2. I have been for 6 weeks now. Going on 7 weeks Tuesday. If I don't have the baby by then, they are probably going to strip my membranes. Just to think... almost 2 months ago we were so affraid that he was going to be born preterm and here I am. I was just talking to another lady that is getting induced because she is past her due date... she told me that she has been 4 cm for 5 weeks. So, I thought I was bad.... oh my!! I hear stories all the time about some woman even 5 cm for weeks.... but, this lady has been 4 cm for 5 weeks... they said she would never make it to her due date, and now they are inducing her because shes past it. Go figure!!!
Well, I am still lying in a hospital bed with absolutely no contractions. The baby is breached still, which is expected at 30 weeks. My doctor is going to talk with a High Risk OB on Monday and get their thoughts about my situation. From everything I am reading I should be able to go home. My concern is if I am on strict bedrest the bed may not turn and go into position since I am sooooo inactive. Monday I will be 30 weeks and then I Friday they are going to repeat the FFN test, if it is negative I really think I should be able to go home. Especially after hearing from all of you. Thank you for your support and information it really helps.
Daniella - Thanks for all the encouragement! Whatever happens happens. I'm positive the baby will be fine. Whether it's a C-section or v____al, it's all for the health and survival of the baby and I :) I just really want a v____al... I was hoping and praying for an all natural birth too. BUT I know whatever the outcome, it will be the best one!
3-4 me: Thank you also for all the encouragement! I will keep you all posted. My next appt. is on Thursday next week.
sstiles- Thats good! I am curious what the specialist has to say. I couldn't imagine what your going through. I am such a stubborn person that I would discharge myself out of the hospital. I would say.. hey, baby isn't even head down... I'm not having contractions nor am I having further progress. Perhaps I'll stay this way until full term. Yet... its hard to say unless I was in your shoes. I can tell you what I would do, or what I see... but, I don't know all your information, etc. Such as... what your cervix was like in the beginning of the pregnancy.. your history, etc. Hey, how old his your doctor?? Male, female?? has any children?? Also, do you have many visitors (friends, family, ec.) come visit you often?? Gosh, I sure feel for you. I really hope you get some answers soon. I pray for you!!! ___Alyssam- Yup.. totally agree!!! Regardless how you end up with the baby, the little one will be OK. :) I am also going for the all natural birth (to what I can in the hospital).. no drugs, no episiotomy, no epi, and hopefully no c-section. I will fight! lol... Yet, I am open minded for the health of the baby if any of it comes to that, ya know!? Just try to keep a birth plan. :)
Daniella, Today is day 10 and no contractions. So I think the plan is my doctor, who is a female and has 2 children and delivered my first dtr, is going to speak with the HR OB today and then repeat the FFN on Friday and hopefully if it is negative D/C me on Friday. I am 30 weeks today. My doctor just came in and it looks like she is going to keep me here until I am 32 weeks. Not the news I was hoping for. She said that she is going to check me at the end of the week and see if there is anymore dilation. Her biggest concern is that I have a 2 1/2 year old at home and that I won't stay in bed. Thank you for all your support, it is helpful. I have a great network of friends and family and get quite a bit of visitors everyday. My husband brings my daughter everyday after school to see me, so that is nice. It definitely helps.
sstiles- Gosh, I don't know what I would do. Can they legally keep you?? I would discharge myself. ANyhow... I am about to leave for my apt. They are going to sweep my membranes today. I have been 3 cm for at least 3 weeks now and probably at 4 cm about now. Will find out what I am at now. Its so weird that I have been dilated and effaced for over 8 weeks and what seemed to everyone that I was going to go into preterm labor is now being induced. There honestly is no way of knowing. The one doctor here freaked out and told me to admit myself because I was going to go into preterm labor and definitely (I quote, "definitely") not make it full term. Well.... what now!? LOL... Baby will come when ready. Funny thing is I never took any meds to stop the progress, was never put on bedrest and actually kept my normal routine up. I walked nearly 3 miles at least everyday and did lots of exercise. (would never tell that one dr. this).... and I still NEVER went into actually "active" labor early. So, being dilated and effaced has NO bearing what so ever for when you give birth. The ONLY way it has any is once you hit 4 cm. Anything before that has absolutely NO baring. Its a proven fact. Do you know how many woman dilate and/or efface in their second trimester??? Way too many. Yet out of all those, so many even go past their due date and end up being induced in the end. That, I think, is the main reason why doctors say they will not do an internal exam before full term. All it does is scare you for no reason. Especially if baby isn't even head down. If baby was fully engaged in your pelvis and all this was happening, then the head can push down even further causing early labor. YET>>>>> Mine has been engaged since week 30 also when all this started happening, and now I am being induced. LOL... Once again.. absolutely no way to know!!!!
I feel all of your pain!!! I have been 75% effaced, and 2 cm dilated for going on 4 weeks now and baby is in -2 station. First the doc told me I probably wouldn't make it til the next week, but when I went yesterday he told me I'd probably go past my due date now. I've been on partial bedrest because of blood pressure for over a month now. I'm 39 weeks finally tomorrow. It's all very frustrating. Then, he tells me he's going on vacation the end of next week and I have to see the other doc that I don't really like.
wow! that is the same exact thing that happend to be BUT i was 29 weeks and 5 days, i was in l&d for 4 days on the monitor i dialated 2 cm and i am 31 weeks today and still the same. my doctor has me on pills to stop the contranction and gave me 3 shots put me on in IV and it also did make me sick i really couldnt eat because of all that medicine that went into my body. he doesnt have me on strict bedrest all he told me was to decrease my activity. but he gave me a min of 4-6 weeks until my baby arives,!!! kinda happy about that but then again i dont want a premature baby due to i want to take my baby home within the 3 days im in the hospital after i give birth.. :(
Hey all,
I am 31.5 weeks with third child and dr says I'm dialated to a 2 and baby is low will baby come soon
I had other 2 children at 35 and 36 weeks, this one is causing a lot of pressure and I am already dialated to a 2 at 31 weeks. My cervix is at a 3 for length and is soft. Does this mean my babay will come really soon?? Dr said because of contractions and pelvic pain baby is already low. Help??!