39 Weeks Is It Ok To Have 2 Pints Of Beer

40 Replies
baby girl - July 31

hi just got back in and ive had a couple,feel really guilty. has anyone else been in same situation?


Ashley - July 31

I wouldn't worry about it. I am 33 weeks and only have had an occasional gla__s of wine(may-be 2 or 3 gla__ses in whole month). I don't feel guilty. It is normal where I'm from.


Lindsey - July 31

I turned 21 durring my third trimester, i didnt want to go out and get drunk, but i just wanted to go to a bar and have a drink. I talked to my midwife, (i love her so much shes so blunt!) she looked at me and said you shouldnt and i should be telling you no way, but to be honest with you its not going to kill ither one of you if you have a drink. so i had a drink at a bar on my birthday, i ordered one and when the bartender came and asked me if i wanted another i said no she said why and i said because im pregnant and i only wanted one. the woman looked at me like i was a horrible person and said " i didnt no you were pregnant" i was like yeah i am and again she said " i didnt no" like she wouldnt have served me if she had known. she made me feel bad. but you know what its not like i drank more then one and that was all i drank durring my hole pregnancey. dont let people make you feel bad, a drink or two isnt going to do anything at least not that late in pregnancy.


to Lindsey - July 31

i wouldn't have served you liquor. werent you embarrased to order alcohol whilst pregnant? wheres your shame? wo what if your 21? you have a baby to think about and you worry about your birthday?


Amber M. - July 31

I'm sorry, but if you think even one drink is okay you are a very ignorant and selfish person! I can't beleive you would drink 2 whole pints of beer knowing you are going to have a Baby in a few weeks!!! That's like giving your baby beer in a bottle! You should feel guilty...even if it doesn't hurt your baby, why even risk it?


baby girl - August 1

thank you for your answers, interesting to see peoples different views, it was my first wedding anniversary yesterday,so a couple didnt harm me or my baby as shes moving around loads.... by the way im not ignorant nor selfish!!!!!


J - August 1

You've made it this far why not wait a week or so? I would be afraid of getting my baby drunk.


amanda - August 1

WOW, people are so judgemental here! is there a need for name calling. one drink isn't going to hurt you or the baby. i understand that you feel guilty, but please don't let it be from people slightly rude comments.


Wanda from NM - August 1

Normally, I would say that having ONE gla__s of wine is OK, but in your case, I have to say that what you did isn't a good idea. Because you are so close to your due date, I wouldn't drink TWO pints of beer for a couple of reasons. #1, ONE gla__s is probably not going to hurt your baby, but TWO gla__ses at one time is not cool in my book. #2 what if you would have gone into labor, and those 2 beers made you a little tipsy, and then you had your baby and either the nurses smelled it on you, or your baby was affected? That would make for a lot of headaches for you with the hospital, and could have put your newborn in a foster home. Again, normally I am on the pro Drinking in Moderation side, but 2 drinks in one night, when there is a chance you could have go into labor, just doesn't sit right. I also wouldn't go up to a bar pregnant to order a drink, that just is asking for others to give you a lecture. I had an office party the other day, and sent my BF to the bar to buy juice, because a pregnant woman standing at the bar doesn't look good. If you are going to drink, drink wine with dinner at home, don't invite trouble for yourself. Good luck to you.


Steph - August 2

There is nothing wrong with having an alcoholc drink whilst pregnant. You obviously dont do it every day. I have had a gla__s of wine some weeks. Although some times I didnt actually feel like having it. I dont understand why some people are so strict with themselves when they are pregnant. Its a really difficult time as it is, and as long as your healthy and dont over indulge it doesnt hurt.


rae - August 2

hi I'm 31 weeks. i don't if it's ok or not to drink 2 pints of beer or not. i've heard of prople who do everything right and have problems with there baby and i heard of women doing everything wrong and baby coming out fine. i do understand how you feel to be jugded when your pg. I don't drink soda very much since i got pg but once in a while when I go out with my family to eat i will order a coke and you wouldsn't believe the looks i get. i mean i will have a caffeine drink maybe once or twice a week. every book i read or even my doc said one caffeine drink a day was fine, so one a week is not a problem. i think people love to get into others business. he who is without sin cast the first stone.


HDF - August 3

Don't let anyone make you feel guilty. It sounds like you don't normally do that all the time. Two beers isn't going to hurt you or the baby. Most of my friends have 2 or more children (this is my first) and they have all had several drinks while they were pregnant. Usually their 2nd & 3rd children actually, because they weren't so uptight. I would probably just not do it again, you're due any day now and you want to be totally ready for labor. Don't let anyone tell you you're a horrible person, you're not. Good luck to you and your baby.


Traci - August 3

I'm sure your baby is fine, but why would you do that? You're feeling guilty for a reason!


Jl - August 3

I've heard that having a drink now and then is okay. I guess, in my personal opinion, I would not risk it. There are not any studies that confirm just how much is too much while you are pregnant. Chances are, your baby will be fine, but I think I would feel guilty because there is always a chance something can go wrong. I was worried enough before the AFP test, so I think I will hold off until after I give birth. But, as they say, to each his own. Good Luck!


Jenn - August 4

This is from the CDC's website.... For those of you who are saying that Oh, ONE drink won't hurt anything. "When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, so does her unborn baby. There is no known safe amount of alcohol to drink while pregnant and there also does not appear to be a safe time to drink during pregnancy either. Therefore, it is recommended that women abstain from drinking alcohol at any time during pregnancy."


Jenn - August 4

website address:http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/fas/


baby girl - August 4

ok, so a few years back women used to get stout in hospitals to build up there iron levels..... to sooth babys gums an old fashioned remedy was to put a drop of whiskey on them....if you don't believe ask your nans (who are usually wise) im not pro drinking but im not anti drinking...( in moderation)..... all these drugs and chemicals they feed us these days, there's alot to be said for natural remedies!!



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