Here is my story of the birth of my baby boy. I started getting contrations every 2 minutes on the 17th of December at 8:30pm. I waited for an hour to see if they would go away and sure enough they didn't. So we headed to the hospital in a very bad snow storm. When we got there they checked me and I was still dialated to 1cm and 50 percent effaced. They put me on the moniter for three hours to see if I was actually in labor and I was having good contrations every one to two minutes. They keeped me and hooked me up to an iv. I finally dialated to a three at about 2 am on the 18th. I was dialated to 3cm and 50percent effaced until 1:45 pm on the 18th. I went from 3 to fully dialated in like 3 minutes. They had me lay there for about 10 minutes because the doctor was finishing up a c-section. So the doctor gets there and has me push twice and he is out. The doctor took one look at him and noticed how small he was and he was having a hard time breathing. I got to see him for a minute and they took to the nicu. The doctor think's that he's only about 34 weeks. He weighed 5 pounds 4 ounces and he was 17 inches long. The pediatricion looked him over and watched him for an hour and decided that he was doing good and let him come to my room and stay. He's doing pretty good now. He had a hard time eatting so the nurse had me use a dropper to feed him. He's eating good now though. That was the longest I was ever in labor. And the hardest. My epidural was acting up and It didn't numb my stomach at all. I felt every contation. He is so worth it though. I would do it agian.
Austynsmommy, I'm glad everything worked out well in the end. How far along did you think you were? My son was born weighing 5 lbs 5 oz. at 38w5days, so it's possible that Andrew's just a small baby. You'll see, he'll start gaining weight in no time! Congratulations!
Congrats on the birth of your little boy! I know that the labor was hard and he was a bit early, but I'm glad everything is ok now. Congrats again!!
Thanks everyone. It was well worth it. I love him so much already. He is such a good baby. Even sleeps at night. I can't wait to do it again. We are going to start trying for another baby in a year or so and then hubby has agread to get snipped.
Congratulations on your precious boy! I am sure he will just grow stronger every day. I am so happy for you!
Congrats austynsmommy! I'm sorry you had a hard labour but I bet he was well worth the hard work. Wow I can't believe you are already talking about having another one lol. I've still got 2wks with #3 & I honestly don't know if I could do it again (although I'll probably change my mind when bubs is born :) ). Once again congrats & I'm glad he's already sleeping well for you, he must know you need the sleep.