I went to my 31 weeks appointment this past week and he did the beta strep swab. I didn't think anything of it until later and realized that it is usally done at about 35 weeks. Has anyone else had it done at 31 weeks?
They usually do it later. Remember that 40% of women carry this bacteria and it is normal. There is a lot of hype about it now and pa__sing it to your baby at birth. Do your research well. They will probably want to pump you and baby up with antibiotics during labor, which in itself runs risks! And its not even proven to help. The chances of your baby contracting it are so so slim. There is a more pa__sive approach to just moniter yourself during laber--making sure you deliver within 18 hours of water breaking, making sure you don't get a fever. Then when baby is born to monitor breathing and heart beat. I tested positive for all 3 pregnancies (due with 3rd next month) and never took the antibiotics. Also remember this is basically a "new" think and in many countries they don't even routinely test for it. Good luck!!
I am familiar with the test and everything :) This is baby number 4 but I have just never had it done so early. I was positive with my last pregnancy but he doesn't know that since he wasn't my OB then. I will ask him about it at my next appointment as to why it was done so early.
It is strange they even tested you if you have been positive. I think they would "treat" you as positive in any case... As it can come and go anyway...
they test every time because if you didn't have it, which you won't necessarily in subsequent pregnancies, then you are only building your immunity to the meds they use to treat it.
My sister had strep b with her first baby and not with her second. They always test where I had my baby. They don't want to give you any antibiotices if you don't need them.