I went to the hospital last night after a series of contractions and back pain that got very bad. I was having them every three minutes by the time we got there, and believe me they hurt! Well when the nurse checked me she said I was dilated to three, so they wanted me to walk the halls for an hour to see if we could "get things moving." I walked up and down those halls until two am, came back to the room, contractions still every 3 minutes, and same level of intensity. She checked I was still at three. So they gave me some pain relief and said I could rest there until four am. If no progress was made they'd send me home. Well needless to say after that my contractions slowed to every 5 minutes, then they just became irregular uncomfortable BH contractions. So I am thinking, what is going on here? Anyway long story short, they sent me home because my cervix did not change. Now I am just uncomfortable and still having irregular contractions and back pain. Has anyone experienced this before? I am still new to this seeing as I was induced with my daughter.