I'm so sorry for your experience, Clindholm. How's the baby doing now?
kmoselle- Thanks for asking, Luke is now 9 lbs 9 ounces and doing very well, we are truly blessed. I hope that my experience can help others in that being aware that doctors are not infallible and that we as Mommies have a bit of a sixth sense with our lo's from the time they are inside us and we should never ignore those alarm bells just b/c someone with an MD tells us they are ok. When are you due? What are you having?
I'm due valentine's day with a boy. Seems like that day will never get here!
Wow, I just read gummi's labor story. Congrats to you and Clindholm. I can't wait to see my lil guy.
Hi everyone, and congrats to all! I was a january mommy, but my little one arrived 3 weeks early on Dec. 27th. He's a voracious eater (eating right now :)), and doing well! Congrats again to all new mommies!! :)
thx kmoselle & flybear, and congrats clindholm, kimmer23 & all the other new mommies! like kimmer23 i was slated for january, but my lo decided to come a few days early :)
clindholm, your baby's picked up weight pretty quickly - i read somewhere that it normally takes babies 5 months to double their weight - you must be thrilled! :) it must have been rough having luke in the hospital - ethan stayed behind 1 day after my discharge to treat bilirubin/jaundice, and it sucked. i can't imagine going an entire week.
to kmoselle & flybear (and other moms-to-be who can't wait) - one benefit to waiting is that you always know where they are! sooo much to worry about once they're out. i just felt he was safer in my tummy. anyway, rest up as much as you can, hehe. and if that nesting instinct kicks in, don't start any major projects in case baby comes early! i made that mistake, and have had huge piles of paper (stuff to sort & file) strewn all over our office for the last month. if only it were delegable (that or b___stfeeding, lol)!