Does anyone else? When I say so to friends and family they all look at me like I am nuts. I love being able to gain weight! I love the comfortable maternity clothes! I love I can eat a dessert and no one looks at me strange! I love the way my husband rubs my belly! But most of all- I love the feeling of my little one moving around in my belly. I love knowing that I am creating someone who is going to love and trust me and need me. I have never been happier than I have been these last 7 months. I cannot wait until he is here and I can hold him in my arms and stare at him and feed him, bath him, rock him to sleep, sing him lullabys, and everything else!!! I truely never have been happier!
:) I love being pregnant too. Granted this is my second and life is much more hectic (ds is almost one!), but I've had a healthy, easy pregnancy and am looking forward to meeting my little girl in about 10 weeks, give or take. I get funny looks too. Some women just really don't enjoy pregnancy which I think is sad because it's such a miracle! Enjoy these last couple months and take time to relax and enjoy every little thing now while you can. Your boy will be keeping you busy soon enough, but it is SO worth it!!
I'm torn on it. I love knowing he's in there and having people do special, nice things for me. I like feeling him move around and talking to him. I like not having to suck in my tummy (lol). But I don't like that my emotions have been such a roller coaster and my poor husband raises his voice a little with the cat and then has to comfort me while I cry for 30 mins about how our poor kitty must think we're so mean... lol True story. I feel like a nut case most of the time and I honestly feel like I can't help it. It even surprises me sometimes how hard I take such stupid things. I dislike that I can't sleep without a bra anymore because if I do I wake up with spots all over the sheets from my leaky b___bs. I hate that I feel like I don't have enough energy to do all the things I normally do with my husband. For instance, he got tickets to metallica and he's super excited but thought about giving them away cause he was afraid I'd be to tired and he didn't wanna go without me. I hate that. I wanna have all my life and energy back. I wanna cook every night again like normal and not have piles of laundry every weekend cause I was too tired to do any loads during the week. So on one hand I LOVE it. I can't wait to be a mother. It's honestly one of the most important, exciting things that's ever happened to me, but on the other hand I'm ready to get this lil booger out and make it to the days when he's sleeping through the night. It honestly depends on what day you catch me on.
kmoselle it's nice to see positive experiences among these threads. most i have read are complaints about this that or the other. i'm glad you are having a wonderful pregnancy. you too kiersten!
I also love being pregnant. This is the best pregnancy so far. I have had a few scares but he is doing great in there. I'm 34 weeks today and I still feel really good. I am trying to talk my hubby into one more.
I love it too. I'm 32 weeks. I know that there are days when I'm a little uncomfortable or whatnot, but it's generally been a great experience. I love feeling him kick, and I love knowing that I'm responsible for a little human being in there. As much as I've enjoyed it though, I'm very excited to meet him!!
i love it too, but I must say, I have moments when I'm over it already!!! Second baby, 34 weeks....
I am 13 weeks with my second and I do also love being pg. EVEN though I just look FAT now! Its the last 4 weeks or so that I dont like so much. My first was big (8lbs 10 oz) and two weeks early which explains why I was so miserable. He broke/bruised my ribs and I couldnt drive b/c I was so large(I gained 53 lbs) and normally weigh about 130 ish! Enjoy this stage b/c it does become more difficult, especially when you have a toddler to take care of ontop of all the pg symtms. Good luck!