Stripping Membranes-pg123332338973
7 Replies
For those of you who have had your membranes stripped, how far along were you? I am wondering if it would be too early to ask my doc at 38w2d to do it for me.
KMO, I don't think it's too early, but it really just depends on your doc. Some Dr's will do it without any issue and others just won't. I've heard of lots of people getting it done in the 38th week though. However, you also have to be dialated enough for them to get their fingers in there to be able to strip the membranes. Again, I think that depends on the dr. I've heard of girls getting it done when they are only a centimeter dialated and I've heard of other dr's that want you to be further cause they say you are still too tight at 1 centimeter. So you'll just have to ask and see what he says. Good luck.
I've never heard of this. Anyone care to share a definition? Thanks!
The doctor inserts his finger through the cervix and swipes the membranes between the cervix and uterus. It's supposed to start releasing the hormones to help you along with dialation and contractions. A lot of women say they go into labor within 48 hours. It is considered a natural induction- like eating pineapple or having s_x or stimulating the nipples.
I had one done with my son at 39 weeks 6 days and it put me into labor. I was only 1 cm dilated but it took so well that I probably would've gone into labor on my own soon anyways. Definitely ask your doctor. Many women have had it done and it's done nothing for them simply because their body wasn't ready. It can be very uncomfortable getting it done but may work for you. You may get some strong opposition from some on this, so just remember to take everything with a grain of salt. :) One way or the other, you're almost there and will be holding your bub soon. Good luck!!
I was 41wks when I had mine done, but I was already 3-4cm dilated & she said my membranes were already coming away (explains why it didn't hurt at all) & she was surprised that I wasn't already in labour. I went into labour the next morning & had a baby 2.5hrs later.
Don't get it done if you aren't already dilating as they will need to stretch your cervix to get a finger in (VERY painful) & it will increase the chance of the membranes rupturing without you going into labour, which will result in alot of intervention & maybe a c-section (these are all things my doctor warned me of). Don't rush a good thing, babys come when there ready & sometimes rushing the process will lead to more problems then it's worth. Goodluck though & I hope you have a quick & easy labour.
Do your research! Doing it early or at all can cause such stress to you and your baby. The amniotic water serves its purpose and has very specific reasons for being there UNTIL your body signals on its own that you are ready for labor. This is why when women have it done they say how much it hurt! And that the contractions were much more painful. The water serves as a cushion for the baby's head and the water also exerts pressure to help with dialation. If you disturb this process the babys head gets bumped down and contractions can be hard and fast causing undue stress to you and baby. Just look it up before you get it done. Just the thought makes me personally cringe and then to think it all has a purpose and reason and yes....nature will take it course in the vast majority of the cases. Good luck!
Sorry, I read the post fast and thought you meant breaking your water...which is what I answered. Ooops!