Anyone have preclampsia? Or not have it but have the symptoms? I go to the doctor tomorrow and I am worried I may have it. This past week I have terrible swelling, horrible headaches, sensitivity to light and the last 2 weeks had protein in my urine. However, as of last week, my blood pressure was normal. I'm just getting worried and want to know if anyone else has had similar symptoms and what the doctor had said.
Hi kmoselle- I had it with both of my pregnancies. The swelling could just be a normal part of pregnancy and not indicate preeclampsia. The protein in your urine is certainly of concern, what did your doctor say about that? My first clue was terrible headaches as you mention but being a migraine sufferer anyway, I was not too concerned. The sensativity to light is usually caused by the headaches. When was your last bp check? How many weeks are you? How often are you seeing your ob? It does sound like you are headed in that direction. Typically they will put you on bedrest and try to get you to 38 weeks. Mine was severe and I was on bedrest for only 1 day before delivering my baby at 33 weeks.
I just had my 36 weeks appt. yesterday and my OB is concerned im showing signs of preeclampsia. My bllod pressure was quite high, and i have swelling in my face, hands, and lower legs. Hes not too concerned as of now, just keeping a close eye out. If your blood pressure is fine, id say you're ok. Thats the main concern of preeclampsia.
Well, doctor said my blood pressure is normal, low actually. So she is not worried about it, just keeping an eye on my bp, since I do have the other symptoms. As for the protein in my urine, she said I need to drink more water. The headaches could have been just that. The symptoms may or may not be related and she is going to keep a close eye on me. I will be 37 weeks on Saturday. Woop Woop!