140 Replies
No Penny, she is being stubborn!! I went to the dr yesterday, still at 3cm, effaced to 80%. Everything is well with Penny, doc thinks she will be 7 1/2-8lbs!! We asked about going over our due date which is the 21st, doc said that she doesn't want me to because my blood pressure is teetering on what could be dangerous, so if Penny holds out, she will induce me on the 19th!! I am pretty excited, but kind of scared. I want her to come naturally, but I won't risk her or I being in trouble, so induction is okay. She could very well comet this weekend. All morning I have been having a lot of tightness in my lower abdomen, not really contractions, but it is in my back too, so I dont' really know what to think...is it gas, is it from the exam yesterday, or is it a sign of early labor? Crossing my fingers for this weekend!! Glad you guys are doing well!
Courtney: Well I hope she'll come naturally. After Dr's apt I always feel bad. Cervix checking is so awful and painful I hate it. That's weird you Dr wants to induced you BEFORE your due date.
Have a great day and maybe a great gift!
It's only two days, so I am not that worried about it. I just feel so crampy and my back hurts...it's pretty consistent, so I dont' think it is contractions...my mom thinks it could be labor, but you never know, so I will just sit at my desk at work until it is unbearable...dont' want a false alarm!
oc73bzh - my daughter was born on the 17th and she is very lovely natured, so it will be a good day to have your son :D.. It is funny but they dont check your cervix over here like they do there. The midwives check the position of baby, but the doctor is not going to give me a pelvic exam and that until my last appoint, then we are discussing an induction date. He thinks it will be near the end of the following week, not if i have anything to say about it. I have done nothing but hurt this past week and I dont think I can go anther two to be honest, I would like to leave her a little longer, but I just can't do it this go round she keeps pinching my nerve and most days i end up near tears just to walk to the bathroom.
I am thrilled for courtney, glad it turned into labour for her.
How is everyone doing? I had my weekly NST & OB visit today and nothing new really. One more week before my scheduled c-section and I cannot wait! It hurts to do anything these days and I wish I could get some decent sleep! Anyone else feel like time is dragging? I'm glad I was able to keep these little guys in so long but now I just want to be done! Hope everyone is doing well!
Not sure if my last post went through or not. Anyway, I just wanted to add that my son was born 2/25... 5 weeks early. He was 6 lbs 3 ozs and 20 inches long. I can't imagine how big he would have been if he had waited until his 3/31 due date! He was in the hospital for a week because he was really jaundiced and he had issues with his lungs. He's been home for a week and he's gaining weight. So, things are good with us even though we were completely unprepared for him. Our shower was the weekend after he was born! (Oh yeah... we decided to name him Quentin)
I hope things are good with all you ladies. Take care and happy St. Pat's.
Sorry if I post redundant messages. I just tried to post a message and it's not showing up.
BTW... I'm an idiot because he's been home for 2 weeks! Man how time flies!
Congrats meganmacg, glad to hear everyone his home and doing well!
Congrads Megan, so happy for you.
April I know exactly how you feel, cant wait for my induction date to be given to me either tomorrow!!
Eloudie, must have had her little man arrive.
Hello ladies,
Elouan has decided to come and see the world on Sun the 15th. He's 20inches1/2 (52cm)long and 7 lbs 13 oz (3.555kg).
We went back home yesterday. Everything is going well so far.He's feeding well and of course he's the MOST beautiful baby!!!!
Congrats ladies on your little ones!! Being a mommy is so wonderful so far!! I hope everyone else is enjoying it as much as my hubby and I are!!
Elodie- Félicitations à l'occasion de la naissance de votre bébé.
(I was going to just look up congratulations and that's what was in the translation site I found. How appropriate!) I love the name Elouan.
I'm going to go check on my little dude. He should be getting hungry soon. Talk to you all later.
April I truely understand how you feel.
Elodie, congradulations, I am so happy for you.
I had my 40 week visit, i am 2cm dialated and they rimmed the membrane. There was protein in my urine which they have me collecting for 24 hours to test and Monday I go up and have another appoint. If there is protein they will induce me monday if not they will send me home for another week. So much for care of the mother over here, I feel aweful cause I am wishing for there to be protein so that they will induce, as they have ignored everything I have said and could care less about any of my concerns.
Other than that, she is doing fine, healthy and happy, it is just her mum is worn out, i am in desperate need of sleep and the pressure headaches to go away. I timed it last night i get 20 mins sleep, then a bathroom dash and that is every half hour. No wonder I am so exhausted!!
I want some rest so that I can enjoy those first moments after you have baby, with my daughter I didn't get that cause i had her at midnight and she was taken away and the pethadine shot started working, she was 12 hours old before i got a good look at her.
meganmacg: Thks. Good translation though!!!!
elizabear: it's not long before you'll meet your little one. I know how frustating it can be when everyone esle is having their. My sister in law was due 2 weeks after me and gave birth 6 days before me... I was desperate!
Elizabear I totally understand how you feel! I so ready to have my little guys, I'm unable to sleep and I'm just miserable with pain in my hips and legs. I go Monday to have them so I do have an end in sight but I swear this is the longest weekend ever!
It isn't because everyone else has had there babies...it is Autumn over here, summer just finished and I live in the subtropics, so we still have heat at 90 to 95 degree F...so it is still on the warm side, and I just ache all over.
Had my doc appoint this morn, my bloods are normal but protein in my urine so doing more tests to see if there is an infection, they are puzzled.
Have my induction date as at friday morning if she does not come by herself with in the next few days, so I am happy, just glad it is not 10 days away. Saw a different doc who spoke with their consultant and he was happy to book me in earlier due to the swelling, not sleeping and pressure headaches.
So will have good news by end of the new weekend anyway.
April so glad for you, must be worse to be carrying twins, but once all over you will get twice the fun I think. Let us know how you go when you get a chance.
Talk to you ladies later in the week, enjoy your babies!!