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9 Replies
smr0597 - June 19

Its is so great to have a forum for questions on toddlers. My daughter will soon be 21 months old. She still wakes up in the morning wanting a bottle. She takes it with fruit and ceral. She has done this since 3 months. The thing is this is the only milk she will take. She will not drink it plain or with chocolate or strawberry flavor in it. I want her to have some milk. Everything else that she drinks comes from her sippy cup, but she just wants that bottle in the morning when she wakes up. She weighs about 23 pounds and does not have a good eating pattern. She does not eat very much. Any ideas?


kellens mom - June 19

I just read where someone suggested making a milk smoothy using cold milk with fruit in a blender. Maybe you should try it. Fruit and milk would be a healthy combination.


smr0597 - June 19

Did I forget to mention, that she wants it warmed. She will hand it back to me and take me to the microwave if its not warm. Even when she was a tiny little one, she wanted it warmer than most.


DeeD - June 19

I have 3 of my six kids that refused milk at an early age. I am a stickler for ending the bottle at 12 months. Period. (Just my opinion) I am not sure weather they would have taken milk form a bottle because I never tried. Instead, I gave them yougurt, cheese, cottage cheese and broccoli. All are good scources of calcium and the dairy has the fat. At this age, she really doesn't need it so much as it is just habit. I would suggest nixxing the bottle cold turkey and moving her to new foods like the ones I mentioned. My two year old quit drinking milk at 15 months...she just doesn't like it. That was the route her pediatrician suggested. She is now 30 months and weighs around 23 pounds as well. She is healthy and fine. GL! Hope these suggestions help.


CyndiG - June 19

She's not using it to go to sleep, she's not carrying it around all day. It's not a detrimental habit. Why stop? She'll give it up soon enough. I personally wouldn't worry about it. But that's jmo.


Erin1979 - June 19

we are in a similar situation. My daughter is going to be 21 months on the 25th of June. She still takes a bottle in the morning too. I tried not to give it to her one day, and she screamed and cried....I felt so bad I gave in. I think I am just going to stop giving it to her cold turkey as someone had suggested. It will be a few days of tears, but soon she's forget. My doctor told me to make sure I stopped it by the time she was 2...we're cutting it close! Good luck!


Lchan - June 20

Is it that you want her to have more dairy or more liquids in general? I wasn't sure which one but I'm a__suming you want her to have more dairy. If so, then how about offering her yogurt, cheese, or a pudding cup.


cubbie - June 20

My dd is 2.5 years and still takes a bottle of formula in the morning and in the evening (before she goes to bed not to fall asleep), both are warm, but I don't have an issue with it. My ped actually told me that she recommends keeping kids on formula until they learn for themselves that milk tastes better as the formula contains everything that they need. She doesn't like milk, but eats plenty of dairy products and eats well and healthily during the day and is average weight for her height, so I don't see the problem. During the day she drinks from a cup and when we're out and about from a sippy. Why is it such an issue? If that's how she likes her milk and the only way she'll take it, what's the need to take it away?


Emmie - June 23

My son also doesnt really like milk and my doctor said to give him cottage cheese, yogurt, pudding, grilled cheese, mac n cheese and other milk products so he gets the calcium he needs.


shea4 - June 23

If she is only taking that one bottle per day...don't worry. My pedi says the same things most of you are saying...make sure she gets other forms of dairy. A recommended dose for your child's age is 3 servings of dairy a day...which can be 4oz of yogurt, cottage cheese, aslice of cheese...etc..Also as long as your dd is growing at each Dr. appointment I wouldn't worry too much. All 4 of my kids are on the smaller side and have always been low on the growth chart but they continue to grow. My pedi also says don't worry too much about how much she eats at each meal or even each day...but look at how much she is eating over 3 days. Some kids just store up at one meal each day, or over a whole day...then they don't eat for a few days after. GL anyway:)



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