HCG Doubled In 24 Hours Normal
2 Replies
I got a BFP HPT at 10DPO, I had a beta done that day and it was 61. I went back 12DPO and my beta was 249. This is a 24 hour doubling time, which means it quadrupled in 2 days! If they continue at this rate I will have a 1,000 HCG at 14DPO when I was expecting my period! My nurse said the will not do any more betas but scheduled me to have a u/s at 5w4d (next week)
BTW....this is a completely natural un-medicated pregnancy. I have a 2 yr old son, and since then have had 1 natural miscarriage and an ectopic, both of which were this year.
I've never had betas drawn, but i do know that the numbers really cant be used to determine multiples. Some pg just put off more hcg..With these 2 i didnt even get a dark bfp till 14dpo..But there are definitely 2 in there..The only way your gonna know for sure is u/s..GL
Thanks Lcoots. I know HCG is so varying from person to person and from pregnancy to pregnancy but I've only gotten really faint BFP's on HPT's before and that wasn't until 13-14DPO so the really dark one on 10DPO got me thinking...I'm a little concerned about a molar pregnancy....a 24 hr doubling time is pretty quick.