Okay so I have PCOS...have had it now for at least 5 years. I have a 2 year old daughter that was a sponatneous surprise :) They gave me provera and well it did more than make me start my period. Anyway...my husband and I are TTC another baby and my doctor just put me on Clomid 50mg days 5-9. Day 9 was 2 days ago. I took a LH test and it was positive. When exactly am I suppossed to DTD?? He never explained that part. He said he would do an u/s on day 14 to measure my follicles....I am lost there to as to what exactly he means. I know I sound so uneducated but I swear I am over read on this. Everything I read is different. Help please :)
Hi okiemommie,
I also took clomid for 6 month and had a blood test on the first month which was very good. I didn't have any U/S. I think what you want to know is when can you conceive? Well, it's the same as usual really, Clomid increase the hormone levels so you have to try for few days before supposed ovulation day! Usually between 10 and 20 days of the periode, depending on your cycle.
If you got a positive opk, then get to it!!!! My doc said to bd every other day starting 2 days after last pill for a good 2 weeks,