Is Spotting Really Normal
1 Replies
... in twin pregnancies? I have had several people tell me they think I'm having twins because I got a positive pg test a week before my period and had high hcg levels and everything. Then, last night I had some spotting (I'll be six weeks along tomorrow) and I posted a question about it on a baby chat board. One lady carrying twins said that it's normal for twin pgs. Is that true?
It can be normal. But, not all pregnancys are the same. I am pg. with twins, and at 12 wks I did more than spot. It seriously scared me. I went to the E R in the middle of the night, they did an ultra sound, but found nothing. Saying, somtimes the blood vessels in the vigina area become engorged and shed some blood. I hope this helps you out some. And good luck