I had an u/s yesterday and found out we are having 2 baby girls..Im so excited. I cant wait to go shopping..lol They are both healthy and very active. Weighing 12oz each. Very cute. Just wanted to share my exciting news...We are going to have 2 boys and 5 girls in this house..lol Should be fun in the teenage yrs..lol
Hope all the preggos are doing well....
Oh how fun! Congrats on the girls!! :)
congrats on your little girls!
That is awesome! Congratulations!!!!! Any names picked out yet?
That's great!! How far along are you? We just found out we are having one of each!! And I got a little boy at home... Dh finally gets his little girl!
thanks ladies..We are gonna have lots of estrogen in this house..lol I am almost 21 weeks.pba nope no names yet. Im stressing about naming 2 more girls, ive run out of names..lol..kris dh wanted another boy but hes soo good with his girls. They just love their daddy I love to watch em when he gets home.
I'm almost 21 weeks too!! And I feel huge! When do the doctors think you will deliver.... I'm thinking early October??
Kris my dr isn't letting me go pa__sed 38 weeks. I will either be induced or have a section. She doesn't like for twin mommas to go pa__sed then if they make it that far because of placenta problems and other things that can go wrong..So yeah I bet you will go early oct also...I think i will be one that could probably carry these 2 to 41 weeks.lol I do hope I make it to 36weeks cause then I can attempt a vag delivery if baby A is head down, if its before 36 weeks they will come via section..whaa..Ive never had a section with any of the other 5 babies ive had and it scares me..Im hoping to have these 2 v____ally...But whatever it takes to get them here safe and healthy is worth it..That's cool that we are both21 weeks...I feel HUGE also..lmao Im about the size i was at 30 weeks with my singletons..ack..its gonna be a long hot HUGE summer..lol
Lcoots - how come if it's before 36 weeks you get a c-sect?? I never had one either and have a feeling i will - just a hunch. The doc said the biggest concern is early labor - I went early with my son (38 weeks) but had to get terbutaline injections at 36 weeks to stop contractions. I just want to make it to 34 at least!!! Who knows, every pregnancy is different.
Yes, I am about as big as I was at 30+ weeks or so. I've got the aches and pains I had in my 8th month too... This IS gonna be a long summer!
Kris, my dr said that babies that are born before 36 weeks don't do well with a v____al delivery, they are smaller and they dont fair well with being squished I guess..lol She said after 36 weeks they are stronger and are able to deal with the trauma of a v____al delivery. Ive never had ptl with any of my pg, so I dont know anything about babies being born before 38weeks..lol Im just really wanting to make it to 36 so I can attempt a v____al delivery..Im not sure if they will use terb to keep them in as long as possible. CAuse i see a lot of twins born at 34-36weeks? Hopefully we can both cook these babies as long as possible..
Congratulations to you and your family! 2 girls-how exciting!!
Here's hoping, Lcoots! All the unknowns are killing me!! Now we are thinking of switching doctors/hospitals to deliver in a hospital that has a NICU. So much to think about!!
Ohhhh how cool!!!!! when can the dr determine if they are identical or frat?
Well i was reading on twinstuff and they said that even when your told your babies are fraternal, being in their own sac with their own placenta does not necessarily make them fraternal, unless they are obviously b/g...Sooo I have no idea..lol I think they are fraternal but my kids really all look alike so they might be more like ID..It will be interesting to find out..I think you ahve to have DNA to really prove it 1 way or the other..The u/s techs have said they are fraternal but with the above info I dont know what to think