I am having really bad pains in the abdominal area and I've been to the ER twice and they have said everyting was ok!!I just changed doctors because they said my doctor couldnt be it anymore Im confused wether to call or not!!!I want everything to be fine!!!have any of you had this pain??what did you do?
What kind of pain is it? Is it pain inside, or near the surface like on your skin? How far along are you?
I have like a cramping feeling almost all the time. They said it is round ligament pain.
round ligament pain was the worst! I din't have it all the time, but sometimes it would hit me if I bent a certain way (usually when getting out of the car) I wouldn't be able to even move till it past it hurt so much. I also had pains from pelvic separation, and that killed too. Another board I was on called it Evil Crotch Pain (ECP) LOL
Im 14 weeks and 6days!!its all over pain and
Im 14 weeks and 6days!!its all over pain and I feel like i have to bend over so it stops!!!I dotn liek it, it makes me feel really uncomfortable!!!