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Sheree - July 23

My doctor said he saw two gestational sacs on my ultrasound. My hcg level had quadrupled in 48 hrs and he told me normally you can't see anything until 6 wks on the ultrasound, but he said I am 3 wks along. We saw one perfectly round sac with yolk in it, and a almost triangle shaped sac. He said there are two reasons for the triangle shaped sac. One is that I am so early that the sac might not be developed yet, or that it won't develop at all and my body will absorb it. I am wondering if it's normal for this. For one sac to be abnormally shaped, then come around and develop just fine like the other. Could it just be moving slower than the other? I go back the middle of next week to see another ultrasound to see if they are both there still. But, I'm so curious it's driving me crazy!! I hope it is possible for the other to develop normally so I can keep them both.



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