Why Am I Showing Already

3 Replies
Shelly - September 2

I'm about 5'2" and weigh 104 lbs on average. I am just over 9 weeks pregnant with twins and I'm already showing! I don't understand why because the babies are still so very small...sometimes I can't tell if I'm just eating too much and it's making my stomach poke out or if I'm actually showing already. Can anyone tell me if it's common to start showing so early when you've got twins?


Carol - August 10

Congratulatins Shelly. Skinny people will start showing alot sooner than others. Trust me I know. I am 5'1". And weighed between 94-96 lbs. I am pregnant with twins, in my 13th week. And have been showing since 10 wks. Your uterus will expand because of it holding two placentas, and two babies. Good luck in your pregnancy, and hope everything goes well for you.


kam - August 11

I am 28 pregnant with twins and started showing around 8 weeks.


Traci Smith - September 2

Because your having twins! DOOH!!



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