| S - November 9 |
How common is it that the dr can 'miss' finding a second baby, I mean I understand not being able to hear 2 heartbeats if one is behind the other ... but they would have saw it on the ultrasound .. yes ? I had someone tell me that they never with them, but I can't see it being that common, what do you guys think ?
| Kay - November 16 |
It is not very common but is possible. especially if you are ahving any bleeding. The bleeding may cover the sac completely. It happend to me. I was told I lost one of my twins and two weeks later it showed up!!!!
I had the same question! my HcG levels were tripling every couple of days & they were 'just positive' I was carrying mulitples (I want 2!) I went in for my U/S at exactly week 5- only 1 sac was seen & I go back next week for my 2nd ultrasound. Did they tell you they thought you had mulitiples? do you want multiples?